
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 38124
LinkDB: 38124
CC: CCSD:38124
AU: Yamashita K; Yonezawa S; Tanaka S; Shirahama H; Sakoda K; Imai K;
    Xing PX; McKenzie IFC; Hilkens J; Kim YS; Sato E
TI: Immunohistochemical study of mucin carbohydrates and core proteins in
    hepatolithiasis and cholangiocarcinoma
CT: Int J Cancer (1993) 55: 82-91 [PMID:8393843]
BS: (CN) human, (OT) bile duct
BS: (CN) human, (OT) bile duct, (disease) cancer
MT: O-linked glycoprotein
MT: mucin glycoprotein
AG: serine
AG: threonine
SB: Westra B
DA: 26-04-1995
FC: cb86e782
SI: CBank:2116

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