KEGG REACTION Database Entry

Entry The KEGG REACTION database is a manually curated collection of biochemical reactions, mostly enzymatic reactions but including some spontaneous reactions, which are derived from KEGG ENZYME (Enzyme Nomenclature) or KEGG PATHWAY (KEGG metabolic pathway maps). Each entry is identified by the unique identifier called the R number ('R' followed by five-digit number).
Name The name of the reaction, usually the systematic name of the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction.
Definition The chemical reaction in the form of an equation. The reaction is assumed to be reversible and reactants (substrates and products) are separated by '<=>'. Each compound in the left or the right side is separated by ' + '. There may be a coefficient before the compound name.
Equation The C number representation of the reaction equation with links to the COMPOUND database entries.
  The chemical structure transformation patterns can be seen here by the GIF image, which is automatically generated by superimposing GIF images of chemical compounds. By clicking on the image, a larger drawing may be viewed.
Remark The same reaction entries, if any, are given.
Comment Text information commenting on the reaction.
Reaction class Links to the corresponding KEGG RCLASS database entries, which contain reaction class information defined by chemical structure transformation patterns of substrate-product pairs.
Enzyme Links to the corresponding KEGG ENZYME database entries.
Pathway Liks to the KEGG pathway maps, where the corresponding reaction is marked in red.
Orthology Links to the corresponding KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO) database entries.
LinkDB 'All DBs' button in this field retrieves all available links to related database entries in the LinkDB system. At GenomeNet this field does not appear; instead a list of actual links is displayed on the right.