Entry |
Symbol |
Name |
chloromuconate cycloisomerase [EC:]
Pathway |
map00361 | Chlorocyclohexane and chlorobenzene degradation |
map01120 | Microbial metabolism in diverse environments |
Reaction |
R04259 | (2R)-2-chloro-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate lyase (ring-opening) |
R06834 | 2-chloro-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate lyase |
R06840 | 2-chloro-2,5-dihydro-5-oxofuran-2-acetate lyase (decyclizing) |
R08119 | 5-fluoromuconolactone lyase (decyclizing) |
R09135 | 2,3,5-trichlorodienelactone lyase (decyclizing) |
R09215 | chloromuconate chloromuconate |
R09217 | chloromuconate cycloisomerase |
R09221 | chloromuconate cycloisomerase |
Brite |
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09100 Metabolism
09111 Xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism
00364 Fluorobenzoate degradation
K01860 E5.5.1.7; chloromuconate cycloisomerase
00361 Chlorocyclohexane and chlorobenzene degradation
K01860 E5.5.1.7; chloromuconate cycloisomerase
00623 Toluene degradation
K01860 E5.5.1.7; chloromuconate cycloisomerase
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
5. Isomerases
5.5 Intramolecular lyases
5.5.1 Intramolecular lyases (only sub-subclass identified to date) chloromuconate cycloisomerase
K01860 E5.5.1.7; chloromuconate cycloisomerase
Other DBs |
Genes |
Reference |
Authors |
Kajander T, Lehtio L, Schlomann M, Goldman A |
Title |
The structure of Pseudomonas P51 Cl-muconate lactonizing enzyme: co-evolution of structure and dynamics with the dehalogenation function. |
Journal |
Sequence |