K05408                      KO                                     
C-C motif chemokine 3
map04060  Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
map04061  Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor
map04062  Chemokine signaling pathway
map04620  Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
map05142  Chagas disease
map05163  Human cytomegalovirus infection
map05323  Rheumatoid arthritis
map05417  Lipid and atherosclerosis
H01563  HIV infection
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09130 Environmental Information Processing
  09133 Signaling molecules and interaction
   04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
   04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
 09150 Organismal Systems
  09151 Immune system
   04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
   04062 Chemokine signaling pathway
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
 09160 Human Diseases
  09172 Infectious disease: viral
   05163 Human cytomegalovirus infection
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
  09174 Infectious disease: parasitic
   05142 Chagas disease
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
  09163 Immune disease
   05323 Rheumatoid arthritis
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
  09166 Cardiovascular disease
   05417 Lipid and atherosclerosis
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
   04052 Cytokines and neuropeptides
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
   00536 Glycosaminoglycan binding proteins
    K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
Cytokines and neuropeptides [BR:ko04052]
   K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
Glycosaminoglycan binding proteins [BR:ko00536]
 Heparan sulfate / Heparin
   K05408  CCL3; C-C motif chemokine 3
HSA: 414062(CCL3L3) 6348(CCL3) 6349(CCL3L1)
PTR: 454592(CCL3) 745935 749948
PPS: 100967628 100992309 117976443 134729429
GGO: 101139671 101153934(CCL3) 129533794
PON: 100439532(CCL3) 100460653
PPYG: 129016535(CCL3) 129016546
NLE: 100583930 100594017 100595821 100602058 115838239
HMH: 116474111 116474525(CCL3L3)
SSYN: 129469447 129469448(CCL3)
MCC: 100423954 100426537 114673087 619514(CCL3)
CSAB: 103242767(CCL3) 103247784
CATY: 105589318(CCL3)
PANU: 100510871
TGE: 112617897
MLEU: 105533617 105553345(CCL3)
RBB: 108524465
TFN: 117089354(CCL3) 117090151
CANG: 105510875(CCL3L3) 105518763(CCL3)
CJC: 100415219(CCL3L3)
CIMI: 108312132(CCL3L3)
CSYR: 103271195
MMU: 20302(Ccl3)
MCAL: 110305707
MPAH: 110332246
RNO: 25542(Ccl3)
MCOC: 116077413
ANU: 117711305
MUN: 110555679
CGE: 100770184
MAUA: 101832203(Ccl3)
PROB: 127221295
PLEU: 114707732
MFOT: 126494823
NGI: 103746042
HGL: 101707277 101714634(Ccl3) 106008232(Ccl18)
CCAN: 109683317(Ccl3l3)
OCU: 100348776
TUP: 102479188(CCL3)
CFA: 448787(CCL3) 480600 480601
NSU: 110593029(CCL3L3) 110593295
LWW: 102735431
PTG: 102959181(CCL3) 102959458
HHV: 120227747
SSC: 100515857 494459(CCL3L1)
LVE: 103089296(CCL3) 103089570
ECB: 100057909(CCL3)
EPZ: 103554513
MYB: 102246598
MMYO: 118672330
PKL: 118726573
ETF: 101645851
OAA: 103170724
TACU: 119939549
MGP: 100545600
PMOA: 120507814
GFR: 102033210
OMA: 130252341
CCAE: 111928230
CCW: 104691091 104691882(CCL17)
SVG: 106865258
HRT: 120757847
SHAB: 115619511(CCL22)
DPUB: 104308855
NNI: 104018085
PCRI: 104028878
PCAO: 104044152
CLV: 102087544
TEO: 104375609
CCAY: 125623929
DCC: 119844683
PVT: 110083282
NSS: 113430421
STOW: 125445614
EMC: 129344699
XLA: 108708329
XTR: 101730633
MUO: 115456577
GSH: 117348940
TRN: 134312020
LCO: 109138316
CGOB: 115010106
EMAC: 134883514
CVE: 137881839
MSAM: 119911870
SPUL: 138613503
OLA: 111946265
CSAI: 133444657
PFOR: 103153454
GAF: 122820536
PPRL: 129367080
KMR: 108239394
ALIM: 106536276
CSEM: 103385749
POV: 109637631
XGL: 120797494(ccl36.1)
SASA: 100196096(ccl8)
OTW: 112214825
OGO: 123992117
ONE: 115108891
OMM: 135524500
SALP: 111952429
CCLU: 121583063
SFM: 108928509
AROT: 135255143
RTP: 109913854
CPLA: 122558703
 » show all
Zipfel PF, Balke J, Irving SG, Kelly K, Siebenlist U
Mitogenic activation of human T cells induces two closely related genes which share structural similarities with a new family of secreted factors.
J Immunol 142:1582-90 (1989)

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