Brite |
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09100 Metabolism
09108 Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins
00730 Thiamine metabolism
K06949 rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
03009 Ribosome biogenesis
K06949 rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
3. Hydrolases
3.1 Acting on ester bonds
3.1.3 Phosphoric-monoester hydrolases thiamine phosphate phosphatase
K06949 rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase
Ribosome biogenesis [BR:ko03009]
Prokaryotic type
K06949 rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase