K10160                      KO                                     
TLR4, CD284
toll-like receptor 4
map04064  NF-kappa B signaling pathway
map04066  HIF-1 signaling pathway
map04145  Phagosome
map04151  PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
map04217  Necroptosis
map04613  Neutrophil extracellular trap formation
map04620  Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
map04621  NOD-like receptor signaling pathway
map04936  Alcoholic liver disease
map05130  Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
map05131  Shigellosis
map05132  Salmonella infection
map05133  Pertussis
map05134  Legionellosis
map05135  Yersinia infection
map05140  Leishmaniasis
map05142  Chagas disease
map05144  Malaria
map05145  Toxoplasmosis
map05146  Amoebiasis
map05152  Tuberculosis
map05161  Hepatitis B
map05162  Measles
map05164  Influenza A
map05170  Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
map05171  Coronavirus disease - COVID-19
map05205  Proteoglycans in cancer
map05235  PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer
map05321  Inflammatory bowel disease
map05323  Rheumatoid arthritis
map05417  Lipid and atherosclerosis
H00821  Age-related macular degeneration
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09130 Environmental Information Processing
  09132 Signal transduction
   04064 NF-kappa B signaling pathway
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   04066 HIF-1 signaling pathway
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   04151 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
 09140 Cellular Processes
  09141 Transport and catabolism
   04145 Phagosome
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09143 Cell growth and death
   04217 Necroptosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
 09150 Organismal Systems
  09151 Immune system
   04613 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   04621 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
 09160 Human Diseases
  09161 Cancer: overview
   05205 Proteoglycans in cancer
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05235 PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09172 Infectious disease: viral
   05170 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05161 Hepatitis B
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05171 Coronavirus disease - COVID-19
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05164 Influenza A
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05162 Measles
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
   05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05132 Salmonella infection
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05131 Shigellosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05135 Yersinia infection
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05133 Pertussis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05134 Legionellosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05152 Tuberculosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09174 Infectious disease: parasitic
   05146 Amoebiasis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05144 Malaria
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05145 Toxoplasmosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05140 Leishmaniasis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05142 Chagas disease
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09163 Immune disease
   05323 Rheumatoid arthritis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   05321 Inflammatory bowel disease
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09166 Cardiovascular disease
   05417 Lipid and atherosclerosis
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09167 Endocrine and metabolic disease
   04936 Alcoholic liver disease
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
   04131 Membrane trafficking
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
  09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
   04054 Pattern recognition receptors
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   04090 CD molecules
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
   00536 Glycosaminoglycan binding proteins
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
Membrane trafficking [BR:ko04131]
   Toll-like receptors
    K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
Pattern recognition receptors [BR:ko04054]
 Membrane-bound pattern recognition receptors
  Toll-like receptors
   K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
CD molecules [BR:ko04090]
  K10160  CD284, TLR4; toll-like receptor 4
Glycosaminoglycan binding proteins [BR:ko00536]
  Cell surface receptors
   K10160  TLR4, CD284; toll-like receptor 4
HSA: 7099(TLR4)
PTR: 743242(TLR4)
PPS: 100980644(TLR4)
GGO: 101148715(TLR4)
PON: 100457237(TLR4)
PPYG: 129044357(TLR4)
NLE: 100601154(TLR4)
HMH: 116475593(TLR4)
SSYN: 129478959(TLR4)
MCC: 574360(TLR4)
MCF: 102136906(TLR4)
MTHB: 126936830
MNI: 105487117(TLR4)
CSAB: 103218937(TLR4)
CATY: 105600415(TLR4)
PANU: 101009041(TLR4)
TGE: 112608006(TLR4)
MLEU: 105534560(TLR4)
RRO: 104658520(TLR4)
RBB: 108530054(TLR4)
TFN: 117098762(TLR4)
PTEH: 111550322(TLR4)
CANG: 105517525(TLR4)
CJC: 100399012(TLR4)
SBQ: 101043935(TLR4)
CIMI: 108286470(TLR4)
ANAN: 105731135(TLR4)
CSYR: 103255573(TLR4)
MMUR: 105873668(TLR4)
LCAT: 123646094(TLR4)
PCOQ: 105826455(TLR4)
OGA: 100956359(TLR4)
MMU: 21898(Tlr4)
MCAL: 110293229(Tlr4)
MPAH: 110323586(Tlr4)
RNO: 29260(Tlr4)
MCOC: 116096145(Tlr4)
ANU: 117709586(Tlr4)
ASYL: 127680878(Tlr4)
MUN: 110565332(Tlr4)
CGE: 100689329(Tlr4)
MAUA: 101824088(Tlr4)
PROB: 127224882(Tlr4)
PLEU: 114705782(Tlr4)
MORG: 121433864(Tlr4)
MFOT: 126507954
AAMP: 119818005(Tlr4)
NGI: 103734505(Tlr4)
HGL: 101715916(Tlr4)
CPOC: 100724803(Tlr4)
CCAN: 109700701(Tlr4)
DORD: 105996175(Tlr4)
DSP: 122107098(Tlr4)
PLOP: 125347394(Tlr4)
NCAR: 124964909
MMMA: 107152144(Tlr4)
ITI: 101955169(Tlr4)
OCU: 100009497(TLR4)
OPI: 101536535(TLR4)
TUP: 102501464(TLR4)
GVR: 103602848(TLR4)
CFA: 403417(TLR4)
CLUD: 112650004(TLR4)
VVP: 112923099(TLR4)
VLG: 121496246(TLR4)
NPO: 129494517(TLR4)
AML: 100472815(TLR4)
UMR: 103670382(TLR4)
UAH: 113266343(TLR4)
UAR: 123788027(TLR4)
ELK: 111146042
LLV: 125083203
MPUF: 101690347(TLR4)
MNP: 132024470(TLR4)
MLK: 131812598(TLR4)
NVS: 122917312(TLR4)
ORO: 101371071(TLR4)
EJU: 114212737(TLR4)
ZCA: 113934760(TLR4)
MLX: 118017761(TLR4)
NSU: 110581529(TLR4)
LWW: 102749618(TLR4)
FCA: 493698(TLR4)
PYU: 121034896(TLR4)
PCOO: 112860159(TLR4)
PBG: 122475419(TLR4)
PVIV: 125150458(TLR4)
LRUF: 124503507
LGF: 123592628(TLR4)
PTG: 102959529(TLR4)
PPAD: 109269905(TLR4)
PUC: 125920696
PLEZ: 122204854(TLR4)
AJU: 106977278
HHV: 120240966(TLR4)
BTA: 281536(TLR4)
BOM: 102288174(TLR4)
BIU: 109563399(TLR4)
BBUB: 102407022(TLR4)
BBIS: 104994776(TLR4)
CHX: 100860955(TLR4)
OAS: 554263(TLR4)
BTAX: 128052396(TLR4)
CSUM: 138080988(TLR4)
ODA: 120864691(TLR4)
CCAD: 122431924(TLR4)
MREE: 136176610(TLR4)
OVR: 110148483(TLR4)
MBEZ: 129557207(TLR4)
SSC: 399541(TLR4)
CFR: 102522349(TLR4)
CBAI: 105070721(TLR4)
CDK: 105104576(TLR4)
VPC: 102529688(TLR4)
BACU: 103015759(TLR4)
BMUS: 118897312(TLR4)
LVE: 103074659(TLR4)
OOR: 101282217(TLR4)
LALB: 132523403(TLR4)
DLE: 111177277(TLR4)
PCAD: 102983076(TLR4)
PSIU: 116755398(TLR4)
NASI: 112411200(TLR4)
ECB: 100066890(TLR4) 111771935
EPZ: 103562040(TLR4)
EAI: 106824214(TLR4)
MYB: 102253644(TLR4)
MYD: 102756242(TLR4)
MMYO: 118667106(TLR4)
MLF: 102437402(TLR4)
MDT: 132212331(TLR4)
MYUM: 139020814(TLR4)
PKL: 118716098(TLR4)
EFUS: 103295671(TLR4)
MNA: 107537636(TLR4)
DRO: 112306266(TLR4)
SHON: 118995970(TLR4)
AJM: 119056324(TLR4)
PDIC: 114510836(TLR4)
PHAS: 123820226(TLR4)
MMF: 118629497(TLR4)
PPAM: 129079317(TLR4)
HAI: 109385740(TLR4)
RFQ: 117032253(TLR4)
PALE: 102897365(TLR4)
PGIG: 120605781(TLR4)
PVP: 105292652(TLR4)
RAY: 107514466(TLR4)
MJV: 108400680(TLR4)
TOD: 119232116(TLR4)
SARA: 101548691(TLR4)
SFUM: 130045790(TLR4)
SETR: 126009607(TLR4)
LAV: 100654493(TLR4)
TMU: 101353470
ETF: 101660600(TLR4)
DNM: 101436464(TLR4)
MDO: 100014467(TLR4)
GAS: 123235393(TLR4)
SHR: 100927125(TLR4)
AFZ: 127550519
PCW: 110211357(TLR4)
TVP: 118840860(TLR4)
PBRV: 138150398(TLR4)
OAA: 114811053(TLR4)
TACU: 119926752(TLR4)
GGA: 417241(TLR4)
PCOC: 116234179(TLR4)
MGP: 100540712(TLR4)
CJO: 107321682(TLR4)
TPAI: 128074093(TLR4)
LMUT: 125702708(TLR4)
NMEL: 110406939(TLR4)
APLA: 101799388(TLR4)
ACYG: 106037141(TLR4)
CATA: 118252184(TLR4)
AFUL: 116496923(TLR4)
TGU: 100216357(TLR4)
LSR: 110482234(TLR4)
SCAN: 103819051(TLR4)
PMOA: 120507511(TLR4)
OTC: 121336957(TLR4)
PRUF: 121357685(TLR4)
GFR: 102037892(TLR4)
FAB: 101813378(TLR4)
OMA: 130260187(TLR4)
PHI: 102101350(TLR4)
PMAJ: 107211898(TLR4)
CCAE: 111936941(TLR4)
CCW: 104688244(TLR4)
CBRC: 103619761(TLR4)
ACOE: 138119756(TLR4)
ETL: 114054565(TLR4)
ZAB: 102066609(TLR4)
ZLE: 135454965(TLR4)
ACHL: 103800748(TLR4)
SVG: 106851398(TLR4)
MMEA: 130580416(TLR4)
HRT: 120761701(TLR4)
SATI: 136369572(TLR4)
FPG: 101922930(TLR4)
FCH: 102055613(TLR4)
CCRI: 104163441(TLR4)
NNT: 104405963(TLR4)
SHAB: 115617148(TLR4)
ACUN: 113486459(TLR4)
TALA: 104363890(TLR4)
ACHC: 115335358(TLR4)
HALD: 104315685(TLR4)
HLE: 104833958(TLR4)
AGEN: 126052181
HHAR: 128154656(TLR4)
GCL: 127023661
CSTI: 104553328(TLR4)
LDI: 104343793(TLR4)
MNB: 103777492(TLR4)
DPUB: 104306136(TLR4)
PPUS: 135190105(TLR4)
AVIT: 104272743(TLR4)
BRHI: 104494590(TLR4)
EGZ: 104122702(TLR4)
NNI: 104022122(TLR4)
PCRI: 104030095(TLR4)
PCAO: 104052918(TLR4)
PADL: 103912903(TLR4)
AFOR: 103901380(TLR4)
FGA: 104083104(TLR4)
GSTE: 104255144(TLR4)
CLV: 102096659(TLR4)
MUI: 104547901(TLR4)
PGUU: 104461937(TLR4)
PLET: 104625786(TLR4)
EHS: 104513030(TLR4)
CMAC: 104484970(TLR4)
CUCA: 104066770(TLR4)
TEO: 104373107(TLR4)
BREG: 104636809(TLR4)
OHA: 104330230(TLR4)
ACAR: 104522704(TLR4)
CPEA: 104397933(TLR4)
CVF: 104289137(TLR4)
RTD: 128917628(TLR4)
AAM: 106499946(TLR4)
AROW: 112963054(TLR4)
NPD: 112955980(TLR4)
TGT: 104572062(TLR4)
DNE: 112991331(TLR4)
SCAM: 104139792(TLR4)
ASN: 102383551(TLR4)
AMJ: 102574232(TLR4)
CPOO: 109313858(TLR4)
GGN: 109292881(TLR4)
PSS: 102448887(TLR4)
CMY: 102941701(TLR4)
CCAY: 125623505(TLR4)
DCC: 119844229(TLR4)
CPIC: 101954201(TLR4)
TST: 117867273(TLR4)
CABI: 116835169(TLR4)
MRV: 120386592(TLR4)
ACS: 100559216(tlr4)
ASAO: 132763647(TLR4)
PVT: 110088887(TLR4)
SUND: 121936774(TLR4)
PBI: 103060306(TLR4)
PMUR: 107285740(TLR4)
CTIG: 120298812(TLR4)
TSR: 106546496(TLR4)
PGUT: 117656869(TLR4)
APRI: 131186010(TLR4)
PTEX: 113443881(TLR4)
NSS: 113426496(TLR4)
VKO: 123028389(TLR4)
PMUA: 114589367(TLR4)
PRAF: 128406350(TLR4)
ZVI: 118083676(TLR4)
HCG: 128338801(TLR4)
GJA: 107106055(TLR4)
STOW: 125441539(TLR4)
EMC: 129341810(TLR4)
XLA: 108700046
NPR: 108794768
RTEM: 120913060(TLR4)
BBUF: 120977785(TLR4)
BGAR: 122946542(TLR4)
PWL: 138302193(TLR4)
MUO: 115472530(TLR4)
GSH: 117367365(TLR4)
DRE: 403131(tlr4ba) 403132(tlr4bb) 795671(tlr4al)
CCAR: 109100795
RKG: 130083093(tlr4bb) 130083094(tlr4al) 130083095
MASI: 127412476
TDW: 130431695(tlr4ba) 130431697(tlr4bb) 130431698
IPU: 108263518
IFU: 128605523
PHYP: 113538004
TRN: 134315113
CHAR: 105911563
LOC: 102693850(tlr4)
PSPA: 121303579
ARUT: 117396808
 » show all
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