KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09140 Cellular Processes
09141 Transport and catabolism
04142 Lysosome
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
09150 Organismal Systems
09152 Endocrine system
04614 Renin-angiotensin system
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09181 Protein families: metabolism
01002 Peptidases and inhibitors
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
03110 Chaperones and folding catalysts
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
04131 Membrane trafficking
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
04147 Exosome
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
Enzymes [BR:ko01000]
3. Hydrolases
3.4 Acting on peptide bonds (peptidases)
3.4.16 Serine-type carboxypeptidases carboxypeptidase C
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
Peptidases and inhibitors [BR:ko01002]
Serine peptidases
Family S10
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
Chaperones and folding catalysts [BR:ko03110]
Intramolecular chaperones
Other peptidases
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
Membrane trafficking [BR:ko04131]
Chaperone mediated autophagy (CMA)
Other CMA associated proteins
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)
Exosome [BR:ko04147]
Exosomal proteins
Exosomal proteins of other body fluids (saliva and urine)
K13289 CTSA, CPY; cathepsin A (carboxypeptidase C)