K14021                      KO                                     
Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
map01524  Platinum drug resistance
map04141  Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum
map04210  Apoptosis
map04215  Apoptosis - multiple species
map05022  Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases
map05130  Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
map05132  Salmonella infection
map05160  Hepatitis C
map05162  Measles
map05163  Human cytomegalovirus infection
map05164  Influenza A
map05165  Human papillomavirus infection
map05167  Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection
map05168  Herpes simplex virus 1 infection
map05169  Epstein-Barr virus infection
map05170  Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
map05200  Pathways in cancer
map05202  Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
map05203  Viral carcinogenesis
map05206  MicroRNAs in cancer
map05210  Colorectal cancer
map05212  Pancreatic cancer
map05213  Endometrial cancer
map05214  Glioma
map05216  Thyroid cancer
map05217  Basal cell carcinoma
map05218  Melanoma
map05220  Chronic myeloid leukemia
map05222  Small cell lung cancer
map05223  Non-small cell lung cancer
map05224  Breast cancer
map05225  Hepatocellular carcinoma
map05226  Gastric cancer
KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
 09120 Genetic Information Processing
  09123 Folding, sorting and degradation
   04141 Protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
 09140 Cellular Processes
  09143 Cell growth and death
   04210 Apoptosis
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   04215 Apoptosis - multiple species
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
 09160 Human Diseases
  09161 Cancer: overview
   05200 Pathways in cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05202 Transcriptional misregulation in cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05206 MicroRNAs in cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05203 Viral carcinogenesis
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09162 Cancer: specific types
   05210 Colorectal cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05212 Pancreatic cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05225 Hepatocellular carcinoma
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05226 Gastric cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05214 Glioma
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05216 Thyroid cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05217 Basal cell carcinoma
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05218 Melanoma
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05213 Endometrial cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05224 Breast cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05222 Small cell lung cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05223 Non-small cell lung cancer
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09172 Infectious disease: viral
   05170 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05160 Hepatitis C
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05164 Influenza A
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05162 Measles
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05168 Herpes simplex virus 1 infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05163 Human cytomegalovirus infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05167 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05165 Human papillomavirus infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09171 Infectious disease: bacterial
   05130 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
   05132 Salmonella infection
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09164 Neurodegenerative disease
   05022 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09176 Drug resistance: antineoplastic
   01524 Platinum drug resistance
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
 09180 Brite Hierarchies
  09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
   03029 Mitochondrial biogenesis
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
  09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
   02000 Transporters
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
Mitochondrial biogenesis [BR:ko03029]
 Mitochondrial quality control factors
  Mitochondrial dynamics
   Fission and Fusion factors
    K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
Transporters [BR:ko02000]
 Other transporters
  Pores ion channels
   K14021  BAK, BAK1; Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer
Other DBs
TC: 1.A.21.1.3
HSA: 578(BAK1)
PTR: 462616(BAK1)
PPS: 100983246(BAK1)
PON: 100432001(BAK1) 100460189
PPYG: 129011548 129037905(BAK1)
NLE: 100588483(BAK1)
HMH: 116459971(BAK1) 116813623
SSYN: 129473785(BAK1)
MCC: 114675515 706534(BAK1)
MCF: 102142357(BAK1)
MTHB: 126952802
MNI: 105474465(BAK1)
CSAB: 103221651(BAK1)
CATY: 105593255(BAK1)
PANU: 101000115(BAK1)
TGE: 112622824(BAK1)
MLEU: 105544178(BAK1)
RRO: 104658958(BAK1)
RBB: 108516259(BAK1)
TFN: 117087056(BAK1) 117096195
PTEH: 111542928(BAK1)
CANG: 105514219(BAK1)
CJC: 100387945(BAK1)
SBQ: 101041291(BAK1)
CIMI: 108300037(BAK1)
ANAN: 105723556(BAK1)
CSYR: 103262464(BAK1)
MMUR: 105861442(BAK1)
LCAT: 123632819(BAK1)
PCOQ: 105821684(BAK1)
OGA: 100941755(BAK1)
MMU: 12018(Bak1)
MCAL: 110283660(Bak1)
MPAH: 110338169(Bak1)
RNO: 116502(Bak1)
MCOC: 116075029(Bak1)
ANU: 117724492(Bak1)
MUN: 110543676(Bak1)
CGE: 100689368(Bak1)
MAUA: 101838274(Bak1)
PROB: 127224244(Bak1)
PLEU: 114706143(Bak1)
MORG: 121435620(Bak1)
MFOT: 126499837
AAMP: 119823918(Bak1)
NGI: 103739733(Bak1)
HGL: 101707336(Bak1)
CPOC: 100734553(Bak1)
CCAN: 109686692(Bak1)
DORD: 105999887(Bak1)
DSP: 122111128(Bak1)
PLOP: 125352692(Bak1)
MMMA: 107143808(Bak1)
OCU: 100342046
OPI: 101516199(BAK1)
TUP: 102476690(BAK1)
GVR: 103599851(BAK1)
CFA: 481744(BAK1)
CLUD: 112641425(BAK1)
VVP: 112913897(BAK1)
VLG: 121497413(BAK1)
NPO: 129513046(BAK1)
AML: 100472241(BAK1)
UMR: 103665481(BAK1)
UAH: 113243812(BAK1)
UAR: 123790912(BAK1)
ELK: 111152355
LLV: 125102734
MPUF: 101688916(BAK1)
MNP: 132017889(BAK1)
MLK: 131834235(BAK1)
NVS: 122910577(BAK1)
ORO: 101380231(BAK1)
EJU: 114222181(BAK1)
ZCA: 113927365(BAK1)
MLX: 118000738(BAK1)
NSU: 110575593(BAK1)
LWW: 102731986(BAK1)
FCA: 101093435(BAK1)
PYU: 121029294(BAK1)
PCOO: 112861960(BAK1)
PBG: 122489414(BAK1)
PVIV: 125166045(BAK1)
LRUF: 124528274
PTG: 102970767(BAK1)
PPAD: 109271451(BAK1)
PUC: 125938359
AJU: 106976101
HHV: 120238211(BAK1)
BTA: 514090(BAK1)
BOM: 102266544(BAK1)
BIU: 109577301(BAK1)
BBUB: 102403948(BAK1)
BBIS: 104994906(BAK1)
CHX: 102170562(BAK1)
OAS: 443062(BAK1)
BTAX: 128056082(BAK1)
ODA: 120869828(BAK1)
CCAD: 122430151(BAK1)
MBEZ: 129543626(BAK1)
SSC: 397543(BAK1)
CFR: 102513729(BAK1)
CBAI: 105064215(BAK1)
CDK: 105101376(BAK1)
VPC: 102528494(BAK1)
BACU: 102999845
BMUS: 118904117(BAK1)
LVE: 103069848
OOR: 101281395(BAK1)
DLE: 111178690(BAK1)
PCAD: 102991092(BAK1)
PSIU: 116762061(BAK1)
NASI: 112414038(BAK1)
ECB: 100061755(BAK1)
EPZ: 103544222(BAK1)
EAI: 106834586(BAK1)
MYB: 102240268(BAK1)
MYD: 102764949(BAK1)
MMYO: 118679638(BAK1)
MLF: 102437326(BAK1)
PKL: 118705679(BAK1)
EFUS: 103303014(BAK1)
MNA: 107541604(BAK1)
DRO: 112302219(BAK1)
SHON: 118991499(BAK1)
AJM: 119041220(BAK1)
PDIC: 114494928(BAK1)
PHAS: 123816219(BAK1)
MMF: 118621850(BAK1)
PPAM: 129066993(BAK1)
HAI: 109392454(BAK1)
RFQ: 117020728(BAK1)
PALE: 102883540(BAK1)
PGIG: 120597665(BAK1)
RAY: 107511968(BAK1)
MJV: 108402940(BAK1)
TOD: 119252348(BAK1)
SARA: 101538133(BAK1)
SETR: 125996343(BAK1)
LAV: 100669799(BAK1)
TMU: 101341201
ETF: 101656097(BAK1)
DNM: 101426878(BAK1)
MDO: 100027503(BAK1)
GAS: 123243961(BAK1)
SHR: 100916731(BAK1)
AFZ: 127561143
PCW: 110217311(BAK1)
TVP: 118857067(BAK1)
OAA: 114813317(BAK1)
GGA: 419912(BAK1)
PCOC: 116236928(BAK1)
MGP: 100544475(BAK1)
CJO: 107324870(BAK1)
TPAI: 128088157(BAK1)
LMUT: 125684299(BAK1)
NMEL: 110388215(BAK1)
APLA: 101789424(BAK1)
ACYG: 106046164(BAK1)
CATA: 118259537(BAK1)
AFUL: 116498863(BAK1)
TGU: 100221739(BAK1)
LSR: 110477161(BAK1)
SCAN: 103823354(BAK1)
PMOA: 120495913(BAK1)
OTC: 121347987(BAK1)
PRUF: 121354001(BAK1)
GFR: 102040914(BAK1)
FAB: 101810079(BAK1)
OMA: 130263807(BAK1)
PHI: 102107798(BAK1)
PMAJ: 107215027(BAK1)
CCAE: 111939620(BAK1)
CCW: 104692533(BAK1)
CBRC: 103625364(BAK1)
ETL: 114064072(BAK1)
ZAB: 102072025(BAK1)
ZLE: 135458227(BAK1)
ACHL: 103805898(BAK1)
SVG: 106851021(BAK1)
HRT: 120762948(BAK1)
FPG: 101924229(BAK1)
FCH: 102047828(BAK1)
CLV: 102098929(BAK1)
EGZ: 104125775(BAK1)
NNI: 104013218(BAK1)
PCRI: 104030708(BAK1)
PLET: 104626569(BAK1)
PCAO: 104044578(BAK1)
ACUN: 113489021(BAK1)
TALA: 104362610(BAK1)
PADL: 103919822(BAK1)
AFOR: 103893635(BAK1)
ACHC: 115335157(BAK1)
HALD: 104312285(BAK1)
HLE: 104842383(BAK1)
AGEN: 126052394
GCL: 127026190
CCRI: 104160186(BAK1)
CSTI: 104549715(BAK1)
CMAC: 104477907(BAK1)
MUI: 104538866(BAK1)
BREG: 104637035(BAK1)
FGA: 104078543(BAK1)
GSTE: 104262102(BAK1)
LDI: 104350856(BAK1)
MNB: 103768785(BAK1)
OHA: 104335697(BAK1)
NNT: 104411471(BAK1)
SHAB: 115602411(BAK1)
DPUB: 104305386(BAK1)
PGUU: 104463478
ACAR: 104528592(BAK1)
CPEA: 104397169(BAK1)
AVIT: 104275210(BAK1)
CVF: 104289375(BAK1)
RTD: 128900346(BAK1)
CUCA: 104067115(BAK1)
TEO: 104381383(BAK1)
BRHI: 104491325
AAM: 106483956(BAK1)
AROW: 112961412(BAK1)
NPD: 112959245(BAK1)
TGT: 104570762(BAK1)
DNE: 112990245(BAK1)
SCAM: 104142090(BAK1)
ASN: 102374149(BAK1)
AMJ: 102570499(BAK1)
CPOO: 109317800(BAK1)
GGN: 109295372(BAK1)
PSS: 102449586(BAK1)
CMY: 102946475(BAK1)
CCAY: 125625113(BAK1)
DCC: 119846335(BAK1)
CPIC: 101935419(BAK1)
TST: 117875863(BAK1)
CABI: 116818003(BAK1)
MRV: 120404933(BAK1)
ACS: 100564650(bak1)
ASAO: 132773710(BAK1)
PVT: 110080152(BAK1)
SUND: 121929548(BAK1)
PBI: 103053500(BAK1)
PMUR: 107287068(BAK1)
CTIG: 120298931(BAK1)
TSR: 106541202(BAK1)
PGUT: 117663987(BAK1)
APRI: 131194729(BAK1)
VKO: 123030365(BAK1)
PMUA: 114599223(BAK1)
PRAF: 128416009(BAK1)
ZVI: 118088837(BAK1)
HCG: 128324835(BAK1)
GJA: 107117593(BAK1)
STOW: 125433736(BAK1)
EMC: 129330550(BAK1)
XLA: 734644(bak1.S)
XTR: 108645783(bak1)
NPR: 108787278(BAK1)
RTEM: 120927258(BAK1)
BBUF: 120995161(BAK1)
BGAR: 122932100(BAK1)
MUO: 115481830(BAK1)
GSH: 117347221(BAK1)
SFM: 108931251(bak1)
PKI: 111844757(bak1)
AANG: 118207640
LOC: 102683790(bak1)
ARUT: 117435272
PSEX: 120536453
LCM: 102345216(BAK1) 102364872
PMRN: 116956381(BAK1)
BFO: 118407532
LPIC: 129283104
APLC: 110987505
ARUN: 117291487
SKO: 102803398
DPTE: 113792957
PVUL: 126811243
PCAN: 112566772
BGT: 106057504
GAE: 121372114
HRF: 124140358
HRJ: 124277830
CVN: 111103141
OED: 125677742
MYI: 110451262
PMAX: 117326923
MMER: 123550935
RPHI: 132727306
MAEA: 128238145
OBI: 106868686
LJP: 135482226
SHX: MS3_00003243(BAK1_1)
LLON: 135487947
NVE: 5522335
ATEN: 116290383
ADF: 107336689
AMIL: 114957375
PDAM: 113673481
DGT: 114521106
XEN: 124438997
AQU: 100636521
 » show all
Ruiz-Vela A, Opferman JT, Cheng EH, Korsmeyer SJ
Proapoptotic BAX and BAK control multiple initiator caspases.
EMBO Rep 6:379-85 (2005)
Chittenden T, Harrington EA, O'Connor R, Flemington C, Lutz RJ, Evan GI, Guild BC
Induction of apoptosis by the Bcl-2 homologue Bak.
Nature 374:733-6 (1995)

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