KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09130 Environmental Information Processing
09132 Signal transduction
04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8
04390 Hippo signaling pathway
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8
09133 Signaling molecules and interaction
04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8
09150 Organismal Systems
09159 Environmental adaptation
04714 Thermogenesis
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09183 Protein families: signaling and cellular processes
04052 Cytokines and neuropeptides
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8
Cytokines and neuropeptides [BR:ko04052]
Transforming growth factors (RSTK binding)
K16622 BMP8; bone morphogenetic protein 8