KEGG Orthology (KO) [BR:ko00001]
09140 Cellular Processes
09141 Transport and catabolism
04140 Autophagy - animal
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
04137 Mitophagy - animal
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
09180 Brite Hierarchies
09182 Protein families: genetic information processing
04131 Membrane trafficking
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
03029 Mitochondrial biogenesis
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Membrane trafficking [BR:ko04131]
PINK1-Parkin associated proteins
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Other pexophagy associated proteins
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Cargo receptors
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Cargo receptors
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Other autophagy associated proteins
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein
Mitochondrial biogenesis [BR:ko03029]
Mitochondrial quality control factors
Mitophagy factors
Other mitophagy factors
K17987 NBR1; next to BRCA1 gene 1 protein