
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 6255
LinkDB: 6255
CC: CCSD:6255
AU: Kiguchi K; Henning-Chubb C; Huberman E
TI: Glycosphingolipid patterns in human promyelocytic HL-60 leukemia
    cells susceptible or resistant to differentiation induction by phorbol 12-
    myristate 13-acetate
CT: Biochim Biophys Acta (1993) 1176: 27-36 [PMID:8452876]
BS: (CN) human, (disease) cancer
TN: Gb4-Cer
TN: Globoside
MT: glycolipid
MT: glycosphingolipid
SB: Doubet S
DA: 02-11-1993
FC: 50ba9e16
SI: CBank:13771

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