LinkDB: 626
CC: CCSD:626 AU: Sabesan S; Bock K; Lemieux RU TI: The conformational properties of the gangliosides GM2 and GM1 based on 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance studies CT: Can J Chem (1984) 62: 1034-1045 SC: 7 TN: II3NeuAc-Gg3 PM: GM2 AM: 13C-NMR AM: 1H-NMR AM: HSEA AM: conformation AM: nOe SB: Thomsen J DA: 06-06-1989 FC: dfdc1015 SI: CBank:14128 ---------------- structure: b-D-GalpNAc-(1-4)+ | b-D-Galp-(1-4)-D-Glc | a-D-Neup5Ac-(2-3)+ ================end of record