Entry |
Name |
thiophene-2-carbonyl-CoA monooxygenase;
thiophene-2-carboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase;
thiophene-2-carboxyl-CoA hydroxylase;
thiophene-2-carboxyl-CoA monooxygenase
Class |
Acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen;
Sysname |
thiophene-2-carbonyl-CoA, hydrogen-donor:oxygen oxidoreductase
Reaction(IUBMB) |
thiophene-2-carbonyl-CoA + reduced acceptor + O2 = 5-hydroxythiophene-2-carbonyl-CoA + acceptor + H2O [RN: R05742]
Reaction(KEGG) |
Substrate |
Product |
Comment |
A molybdenum enzyme. Highly specific for thiophene-2-carbonyl-CoA. Tetrazolium salts can act as electron acceptors.
History |
EC created 2000
Reference |
Authors |
Bambauer A, Rainey FA, Stackebrandt E, Winter J. |
Title |
Characterization of Aquamicrobium defluvii gen. nov. sp. nov., a thiophene-2-carboxylate-metabolizing bacterium from activated sludge. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
UM-BBD (Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database): | |