This diterpene cyclase produces stemar-13-ene, a putative precursor of the rice phytoalexin oryzalexin S. Phytoalexins are diterpenoid secondary metabolites that are involved in the defense mechanism of the plant, and are produced in response to pathogen attack through the perception of elicitor signal molecules such as chitin oligosaccharide, or after exposure to UV irradiation.
Mohan RS, Yee NK, Coates RM, Ren YY, Stamenkovic P, Mendez I, West CA.
Biosynthesis of cyclic diterpene hydrocarbons in rice cell suspensions: conversion of 9,10-syn-labda-8(17),13-dienyl diphosphate to 9beta-pimara-7,15-diene and stemar-13-ene.