Entry |
Name |
prostaglandin-I synthase;
prostacyclin synthase;
prostacycline synthetase;
prostagladin I2 synthetase;
PGI2 synthase;
PGI2 synthetase;
(5Z,13E)-(15S)-9alpha,11alpha-epidioxy-15-hydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate 6-isomerase
Class |
Intramolecular oxidoreductases;
Other intramolecular oxidoreductases
Sysname |
(5Z,13E,15S)-9alpha,11alpha-epidioxy-15-hydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate 6-isomerase
Reaction(IUBMB) |
(5Z,13E,15S)-9alpha,11alpha-epidioxy-15-hydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate = (5Z,13E,15S)-6,9alpha-epoxy-11alpha,15-dihydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate [RN: R02267]
Reaction(KEGG) |
Substrate |
(5Z,13E,15S)-9alpha,11alpha-epidioxy-15-hydroxyprosta-5,13-dienoate [CPD: C00427]
Product |
Comment |
A cytochrome P-450 heme-thiolate enzyme. Converts prostaglandin H2 into prostaglandin I2 (prostacyclin).
History |
EC created 1984, modified 1990
Pathway |
ec00590 | Arachidonic acid metabolism |
Orthology |
Genes |
DLE: | 111186649(PTGIS) 111187839 |
PCAD: | 102985868 114483838(PTGIS) |
PSIU: | 116739916(PTGIS) 116761081 |
SANH: | 107667039 107680687 |
SGH: | 107555969 107561003(ptgis) |
CCAR: | 109052726 109056482 |
CAUA: | 113050312 113097085 |
CGIB: | 127959175 128015881 |
MASI: | 127446608 127449432 |
IFU: | 128614560 128614717(ptgis) |
PHYP: | 113533815 113536922 |
SMEO: | 124382830(ptgis) 124385911 |
TFD: | 113642707(ptgis) 113643075 |
TVC: | 132844499 132844567(ptgis) |
TRN: | 134316287(ptgis) 134316566 |
AMEX: | 103027408 103041888(ptgis) |
CMAO: | 118808370 118808452(ptgis) |
CHAR: | 105897882(ptgis) 105904619 |
TFS: | 130524452 130524687(ptgis) |
TNG: | GSTEN00012489G001 GSTEN00027310G001 GSTEN00027470G001 |
LCO: | 104920521 104928129(ptgis) |
TBEN: | 117489918(ptgis) 117489959 |
CGOB: | 115008341 115008599 |
PGEO: | 117446182 117446185(ptgis) |
GACU: | 117548091(ptgis) 117551182 |
EMAC: | 134883012 134883281(ptgis) |
ELY: | 117257285(ptgis) 117257379 |
EFO: | 125887345 125895416(ptgis) |
PLEP: | 121956234 121958442(ptgis) |
SLUC: | 116041731 116051588(ptgis) |
ECRA: | 117943749(ptgis) 117943957 |
PFLV: | 114554500 114554558 |
GAT: | 120834951(ptgis) 120835857 |
PPUG: | 119229980 119230097(ptgis) |
AFB: | 129105930 129106477(ptgis) |
CLUM: | 117730498 117730523(ptgis) |
PSWI: | 130208508 130208923 |
MSAM: | 119885948(ptgis) 119886340 |
SCHU: | 122862985 122865806(ptgis) |
CUD: | 121507016(ptgis) 121507099 |
ALAT: | 119020588 119021399(ptgis) |
OAU: | 116333908 116334268(ptgis) |
CSAI: | 133448509 133449381(ptgis) |
PRET: | 103464557 103465211 |
PFOR: | 103137429 103150691 |
PLAI: | 106950329(ptgis) 106959003 |
PMEI: | 106923751 106931052(ptgis) |
GAF: | 122833576(ptgis) 122834642 |
PPRL: | 129352309(ptgis) 129355747 |
CVG: | 107093334 107096113(ptgis) |
CTUL: | 119772186(ptgis) 119779959 |
GMU: | 124857072 124857121(ptgis) |
KMR: | 108231375(ptgis) 108235780 |
ALIM: | 106516065 106517980(ptgis) |
NWH: | 119412756(ptgis) 119412831 |
AOCE: | 111575285 111575521 |
MCEP: | 125006184(ptgis) 125006984 |
CSEM: | 103385737 103385896(ptgis) |
POV: | 109629045(ptgis) 109638533 |
SSEN: | 122768072(ptgis) 122768404 |
HHIP: | 117761812 117761956(ptgis) |
HSP: | 118104431 118104899(ptgis) |
PPLT: | 128454783(ptgis) 128460806 |
SMAU: | 118309184(ptgis) 118309660 |
SDU: | 111222105(ptgis) 111222893 |
SLAL: | 111657863 111660836(ptgis) |
XGL: | 120782896 120806916(ptgis) |
SSCV: | 125976828 125976858 |
SBIA: | 133507610 133507860(ptgis) |
PEE: | 133408252(ptgis) 133408884 |
PTAO: | 133483072(ptgis) 133483672 |
BPEC: | 110168753 110168791(ptgis) |
BSPL: | 114856271 114856369(ptgis) |
SJO: | 128355784(ptgis) 128355849 |
SASA: | 106565340 106565585 106583179 106583533 |
STRU: | 115150334 115150522 115207896 115208094 |
OTW: | 112214994(ptgis) 112217010 112254650 112254827 |
OMY: | 110494089(ptgis) 110494258 110528167 110529007 |
OGO: | 124002969 124003982 124019180 124019605 |
ONE: | 115140159 115142963 115143122 115146132 |
OKI: | 109890241 109891606 109893421 109895364 |
OKE: | 118372685 118388624 118388794(ptgis) 118399798 |
SALP: | 111963902 111966323 111969616 111970136 |
SNH: | 120025390 120025923(ptgis) 120064563 120064608 |
CCLU: | 121575874(ptgis) 121575916 121577574 121578164 |
ELS: | 105017022(ptgis) 105026471 |
SFM: | 108923412 108939002(ptgis) |
PKI: | 111833099 111840521(ptgis) |
AANG: | 118207232(ptgis) 118211429 |
PSPA: | 121297677 121319212 |
ARUT: | 117416641 117428392 |
» show all
Reference |
Authors |
DeWitt DL, Smith WL. |
Title |
Purification of prostacyclin synthase from bovine aorta by immunoaffinity chromatography. Evidence that the enzyme is a hemoprotein. |
Journal |
J Biol Chem 258:3285-93 (1983) |
Reference |
Authors |
Ullrich V, Castle L, Weber P. |
Title |
Spectral evidence for the cytochrome P450 nature of prostacyclin synthetase. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
ExplorEnz - The Enzyme Database: | |
ExPASy - ENZYME nomenclature database: | |