Entry |
Name |
nogalonic acid methyl ester cyclase;
methyl nogalonate cyclase;
SnoaL (gene name);
methyl nogalonate lyase (cyclizing)
Class |
Intramolecular lyases;
Intramolecular lyases (only sub-subclass identified to date)
Sysname |
nogalaviketone lyase (ring-opening)
Reaction(IUBMB) |
nogalaviketone = methyl nogalonate [RN: R09328]
Reaction(KEGG) |
Substrate |
Product |
methyl nogalonate [CPD: C12415]
Comment |
The enzyme, characterized from the bacterium Streptomyces nogalater, is involved in the biosynthesis of the aromatic polyketide nogalamycin.
History |
EC created 2015
Pathway |
ec01057 | Biosynthesis of type II polyketide products |
ec01110 | Biosynthesis of secondary metabolites |
Orthology |
K15943 | nogalonic acid methyl ester cyclase / aklanonic acid methyl ester cyclase |
Genes |
SPRI: | SPRI_0207 SPRI_7146 |
SCHA: | CP983_03560 CP983_03585 | » show all
Reference |
Authors |
Sultana A, Kallio P, Jansson A, Wang JS, Niemi J, Mantsala P, Schneider G |
Title |
Structure of the polyketide cyclase SnoaL reveals a novel mechanism for enzymatic aldol condensation. |
Journal |
Sequence |
Reference |
Authors |
Sultana A, Kallio P, Jansson A, Niemi J, Mantsala P, Schneider G |
Title |
Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic data of SnoaL, a polyketide cyclase in nogalamycin biosynthesis. |
Journal |
Other DBs |
ExplorEnz - The Enzyme Database: | |
ExPASy - ENZYME nomenclature database: | |