An ATP-binding cassette (ABC) type transporter, characterized by the presence of two similar ATP-binding domains/proteins and two integral membrane domains/proteins. The enzyme from Escherichia coli interacts with a periplasmic substrate binding protein and mediates the high affinity uptake of Fe3+-citrate in the form of a mononuclear (containing one iron(III) ion and two citrate molecules) or dinuclear (containing 2 iron(III) ions) complexes.
EC created 2000 as EC, part transferred 2018 to EC
Nucleotide sequences of the fecBCDE genes and locations of the proteins suggest a periplasmic-binding-protein-dependent transport mechanism for iron(III) dicitrate in Escherichia coli.
FecB, a periplasmic ferric-citrate transporter from E. coli, can bind different forms of ferric-citrate as well as a wide variety of metal-free and metal-loaded tricarboxylic acids.