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KEGG   PATHWAY: hsa04916
hsa04916                    Pathway                                
Melanogenesis - Homo sapiens (human)
Cutaneous melanin pigment plays a critical role in camouflage, mimicry, social communication, and protection against harmful effects of solar radiation. Melanogenesis is under complex regulatory control by multiple agents. The most important positive regulator of melanogenesis is the MC1 receptor with its ligands melanocortic peptides. MC1R activates the cyclic AMP (cAMP) response-element binding protein (CREB). Increased expression of MITF and its activation by phosphorylation (P) stimulate the transcription of tyrosinase (TYR), tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1), and dopachrome tautomerase (DCT), which produce melanin. Melanin synthesis takes place within specialized intracellular organelles named melanosomes. Melanin-containing melanosomes then move from the perinuclear region to the dendrite tips and are transferred to keratinocytes by a still not well-characterized mechanism.
Organismal Systems; Endocrine system
Pathway map
hsa04916  Melanogenesis

D00073  Hydroquinone (USP)
D06569  Bremelanotide (USAN/INN)
D10511  Afamelanotide (USAN/INN)
D11334  Afamelanotide acetate (USAN)
D11629  Bremelanotide acetate (USAN)
D12147  Dersimelagon (USAN/INN)
D12148  Dersimelagon phosphate (USAN)
Homo sapiens (human) [GN:hsa]
10488  CREB3; cAMP responsive element binding protein 3 [KO:K09048]
107  ADCY1; adenylate cyclase 1 [KO:K08041] [EC:]
108  ADCY2; adenylate cyclase 2 [KO:K08042] [EC:]
109  ADCY3; adenylate cyclase 3 [KO:K08043] [EC:]
111  ADCY5; adenylate cyclase 5 [KO:K08045] [EC:]
112  ADCY6; adenylate cyclase 6 [KO:K08046] [EC:]
11211  FZD10; frizzled class receptor 10 [KO:K02842]
113  ADCY7; adenylate cyclase 7 [KO:K08047] [EC:]
114  ADCY8; adenylate cyclase 8 [KO:K08048] [EC:]
115  ADCY9; adenylate cyclase 9 [KO:K08049] [EC:]
1385  CREB1; cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 [KO:K05870]
1387  CREBBP; CREB binding protein [KO:K04498] [EC:]
148327  CREB3L4; cAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 4 [KO:K09048]
1499  CTNNB1; catenin beta 1 [KO:K02105]
163688  CALML6; calmodulin like 6 [KO:K02183]
1638  DCT; dopachrome tautomerase [KO:K01827] [EC:]
1855  DVL1; dishevelled segment polarity protein 1 [KO:K02353]
1856  DVL2; dishevelled segment polarity protein 2 [KO:K02353]
1857  DVL3; dishevelled segment polarity protein 3 [KO:K02353]
1906  EDN1; endothelin 1 [KO:K16366]
1910  EDNRB; endothelin receptor type B [KO:K04198]
196883  ADCY4; adenylate cyclase 4 [KO:K08044] [EC:]
2033  EP300; E1A binding protein p300 [KO:K04498] [EC:]
23236  PLCB1; phospholipase C beta 1 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
2535  FZD2; frizzled class receptor 2 [KO:K02235]
2770  GNAI1; G protein subunit alpha i1 [KO:K04630]
2771  GNAI2; G protein subunit alpha i2 [KO:K04630]
2773  GNAI3; G protein subunit alpha i3 [KO:K04630]
2775  GNAO1; G protein subunit alpha o1 [KO:K04534]
2776  GNAQ; G protein subunit alpha q [KO:K04634]
2778  GNAS; GNAS complex locus [KO:K04632]
2932  GSK3B; glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta [KO:K03083] [EC:]
3265  HRAS; HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase [KO:K02833]
3815  KIT; KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase [KO:K05091] [EC:]
3845  KRAS; KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase [KO:K07827]
4157  MC1R; melanocortin 1 receptor [KO:K04199]
4254  KITLG; KIT ligand [KO:K05461]
4286  MITF; melanocyte inducing transcription factor [KO:K09455]
434  ASIP; agouti signaling protein [KO:K08725]
4893  NRAS; NRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase [KO:K07828]
51176  LEF1; lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 [KO:K04492]
51384  WNT16; Wnt family member 16 [KO:K01558]
51806  CALML5; calmodulin like 5 [KO:K02183]
5330  PLCB2; phospholipase C beta 2 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
5331  PLCB3; phospholipase C beta 3 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
5332  PLCB4; phospholipase C beta 4 [KO:K05858] [EC:]
54361  WNT4; Wnt family member 4 [KO:K00408]
5443  POMC; proopiomelanocortin [KO:K05228]
5566  PRKACA; protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha [KO:K04345] [EC:]
5567  PRKACB; protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta [KO:K04345] [EC:]
5568  PRKACG; protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit gamma [KO:K04345] [EC:]
5578  PRKCA; protein kinase C alpha [KO:K02677] [EC:]
5579  PRKCB; protein kinase C beta [KO:K19662] [EC:]
5582  PRKCG; protein kinase C gamma [KO:K19663] [EC:]
5594  MAPK1; mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 [KO:K04371] [EC:]
5595  MAPK3; mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 [KO:K04371] [EC:]
5604  MAP2K1; mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 1 [KO:K04368] [EC:]
5605  MAP2K2; mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 [KO:K04369] [EC:]
5894  RAF1; Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase [KO:K04366] [EC:]
64764  CREB3L2; cAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 2 [KO:K09048]
6932  TCF7; transcription factor 7 [KO:K02620]
6934  TCF7L2; transcription factor 7 like 2 [KO:K04491]
7299  TYR; tyrosinase [KO:K00505] [EC:]
7306  TYRP1; tyrosinase related protein 1 [KO:K00506] [EC:1.14.18.-]
7471  WNT1; Wnt family member 1 [KO:K03209]
7472  WNT2; Wnt family member 2 [KO:K00182]
7473  WNT3; Wnt family member 3 [KO:K00312]
7474  WNT5A; Wnt family member 5A [KO:K00444]
7475  WNT6; Wnt family member 6 [KO:K00445]
7476  WNT7A; Wnt family member 7A [KO:K00572]
7477  WNT7B; Wnt family member 7B [KO:K00572]
7478  WNT8A; Wnt family member 8A [KO:K00714]
7479  WNT8B; Wnt family member 8B [KO:K00714]
7480  WNT10B; Wnt family member 10B [KO:K01357]
7481  WNT11; Wnt family member 11 [KO:K01384]
7482  WNT2B; Wnt family member 2B [KO:K00182]
7483  WNT9A; Wnt family member 9A [KO:K01064]
7484  WNT9B; Wnt family member 9B [KO:K01064]
7855  FZD5; frizzled class receptor 5 [KO:K02375]
7976  FZD3; frizzled class receptor 3 [KO:K02329]
801  CALM1; calmodulin 1 [KO:K02183]
80326  WNT10A; Wnt family member 10A [KO:K01357]
805  CALM2; calmodulin 2 [KO:K02183]
808  CALM3; calmodulin 3 [KO:K02183]
810  CALML3; calmodulin like 3 [KO:K02183]
81029  WNT5B; Wnt family member 5B [KO:K00444]
815  CAMK2A; calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II alpha [KO:K04515] [EC:]
816  CAMK2B; calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II beta [KO:K04515] [EC:]
817  CAMK2D; calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II delta [KO:K04515] [EC:]
818  CAMK2G; calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II gamma [KO:K04515] [EC:]
8321  FZD1; frizzled class receptor 1 [KO:K02432]
8322  FZD4; frizzled class receptor 4 [KO:K02354]
8323  FZD6; frizzled class receptor 6 [KO:K02376]
8324  FZD7; frizzled class receptor 7 [KO:K02432]
8325  FZD8; frizzled class receptor 8 [KO:K02375]
8326  FZD9; frizzled class receptor 9 [KO:K02842]
83439  TCF7L1; transcription factor 7 like 1 [KO:K04490]
84699  CREB3L3; cAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 3 [KO:K09048]
89780  WNT3A; Wnt family member 3A [KO:K00312]
90993  CREB3L1; cAMP responsive element binding protein 3 like 1 [KO:K09048]
91860  CALML4; calmodulin like 4 [KO:K02183]
C00076  Calcium cation
C00082  L-Tyrosine
C00165  Diacylglycerol
C00575  3',5'-Cyclic AMP
C01245  D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
C05606  Melanin
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hsa00350  Tyrosine metabolism
hsa04010  MAPK signaling pathway
hsa04310  Wnt signaling pathway
hsa05218  Melanoma
KO pathway

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