KEGG   PATHWAY: tcr03020
tcr03020                    Pathway                                
RNA polymerase - Trypanosoma cruzi
Genetic Information Processing; Transcription
Pathway map
tcr03020  RNA polymerase

Other DBs
GO: 0000428
Trypanosoma cruzi [GN:tcr]
509951.49  DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 2 [KO:K03010] [EC:]
509011.20  RNA polymerase IIA largest subunit [KO:K03006] [EC:]
508409.30  DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 3 [KO:K03011]
507467.94  hypothetical protein [KO:K03008]
508355.104  hypothetical protein [KO:K03008]
506871.80  RNA polymerase-like protein [KO:K03015]
507509.30  RNA polymerase-like protein [KO:K03015]
506779.60  DNA-direcetd RNA polymerase II, subunit 9 [KO:K03017]
511153.130  DNA-direcetd RNA polymerase II, subunit 9 [KO:K03017]
511417.40  DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit [KO:K03021] [EC:]
505997.210  DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit [KO:K03021] [EC:]
509487.4  DNA-directed RNA polymerase III [KO:K03021] [EC:]
504105.30  DNA-directed RNA polymerase III largest subunit [KO:K03018] [EC:]
504119.4  DNA-directed RNA polymerase III largest subunit [KO:K03018] [EC:]
508601.30  DNA-directed RNA polymerase I/III subunit [KO:K03020]
511801.44  DNA-dependent RNA polymerases [KO:K03020]
506503.110  DNA-directed RNA polymerase, alpha subunit [KO:K03027]
510029.40  RNA polymerase III C11 subunit [KO:K03019]
506925.40  RNA polymerase I second largest subunit [KO:K03002] [EC:]
511381.40  DNA-directed RNA polymerase I largest subunit [KO:K02999] [EC:]
508839.89  DNA-directed RNA polymerase I largest subunit [KO:K02999] [EC:]
503823.84  DNA-directed RNA polymerase [KO:K03000]
510283.114  DNA-directed RNA polymerase [KO:K03000]
506357.90  DNA-directed RNA polymerases II [KO:K03013]
511277.20  DNA-directed RNA polymerases II [KO:K03013]
507159.90  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
507485.15  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
507485.34  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
506199.5  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
507159.44  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
507159.65  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
507673.65  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03014]
506933.80  RNA polymerase B subunit RPB8 [KO:K03016]
511881.14  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03007]
503821.10  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03007]
509683.24  DNA-directed RNA polymerase ii 8.2 Kd polypeptide [KO:K03007]
509453.40  DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit [KO:K03007]
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Crystal structure of Thermus aquaticus core RNA polymerase at 3.3 A resolution.
Cell 98:811-824 (1999)
Cramer P, Bushnell DA, Fu J, Gnatt AL, Maier-Davis B, Thompson NE, Burgess RR, Edwards AM, David PR, Kornberg RD.
Architecture of RNA polymerase II and implications for the transcription mechanism.
Science 288:640-649 (2000)
Hirata A, Murakami KS
Archaeal RNA polymerase.
Curr Opin Struct Biol 19:724-31 (2009)
Cramer P, Armache KJ, Baumli S, Benkert S, Brueckner F, Buchen C, Damsma GE, Dengl S, Geiger SR, Jasiak AJ, Jawhari A, Jennebach S, Kamenski T, Kettenberger H, Kuhn CD, Lehmann E, Leike K, Sydow JF, Vannini A
Structure of eukaryotic RNA polymerases.
Annu Rev Biophys 37:337-52 (2008)
Hillen HS, Bartuli J, Grimm C, Dienemann C, Bedenk K, Szalay AA, Fischer U, Cramer P
Structural Basis of Poxvirus Transcription: Transcribing and Capping Vaccinia Complexes.
Cell 179:1525-1536.e12 (2019)
KO pathway

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