
Database: PubMed
Entry: 1286668
LinkDB: 1286668
Original site: 1286668 
     Giometti CS, Taylor J, Tollaksen SL.
     Mouse liver protein database: a catalog of proteins detected by two-dimensional 
     gel electrophoresis.
     Electrophoresis. 1992 Dec;13(12):970-91. doi: 10.1002/elps.11501301200.
     Alterations in the abundance or structure of mouse liver proteins are being 
     studied using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) to build a database of 
     protein changes correlating with exposure to ionizing radiation or toxic 
     chemicals. Thus far, studies have included the analysis of proteins from the 
     offspring of exposed parents or from the exposed individuals themselves. In order 
     to characterize and identify proteins found altered by such exposures, sex- and 
     strain-related differences in protein patterns have been analyzed, and the 
     subcellular locations of a large portion of the mapped proteins have been 
     determined. As part of these studies, data are collected and stored using a 
     variety of computer hardware and software tools that allow the accumulation of 
     information on the origin of samples, gel identification, experiment description, 
     and protein similarities and differences. This accumulation of information 
     constitutes the mouse liver protein database. Relational database software is 
     used to tie the different facets of the database together so that the results of 
     a variety of experiments can be compared and interrelated. The database optimizes 
     the information obtained from 2-DE gel sets by allowing use of the data for many 
     purposes, including monitoring of gel resolution to ensure the collection of high 
     quality data and correlation of protein effects induced by different agents. This 
     first edition of the Argonne National Laboratory mouse liver protein database 
     lays the foundation for future work and communication that should elucidate the 
     significance of observed protein effects as possible markers of exposure to toxic 

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