
Database: RefSeq
Entry: NC_031140
LinkDB: NC_031140
Original site: NC_031140 
LOCUS       NC_031140               1709 bp    cRNA    linear   VRL 02-JAN-2021
DEFINITION  Huangpi Tick Virus 2 strain H114-17 nucleocapsid protein (N) and
            nonstructural protein (NSs) genes, complete cds.
VERSION     NC_031140.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA485481
SOURCE      Huangpi Tick Virus 2
  ORGANISM  Huangpi Tick Virus 2
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Negarnaviricota;
            Polyploviricotina; Ellioviricetes; Bunyavirales; Phenuiviridae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1709)
  AUTHORS   Li,C.X., Shi,M., Tian,J.H., Lin,X.D., Kang,Y.J., Chen,L.J.,
            Qin,X.C., Xu,J., Holmes,E.C. and Zhang,Y.Z.
  TITLE     Unprecedented genomic diversity of RNA viruses in arthropods
            reveals the ancestry of negative-sense RNA viruses
  JOURNAL   Elife 4, e05378 (2015)
   PUBMED   25633976
  REMARK    Publication Status: Online-Only
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1709)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (23-SEP-2016) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1709)
  AUTHORS   Li,C.-X., Shi,M., Tian,J.-H., Lin,X.-D., Kang,Y.-J., Qin,X.-C.,
            Chen,L.-J., Xu,J. and Holmes,E.C.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (28-SEP-2014) Department of Zoonosis, State Key
            Laboratory for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control, National
            Institute of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese
            Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Changping Liuzi 5,
            Beijing, Beijing 102206, China
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KM817735.
            Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1709
                     /organism="Huangpi Tick Virus 2"
                     /mol_type="viral cRNA"
                     /host="Haemaphysalis sp."
     gene            47..796
     CDS             47..796
                     /product="nucleocapsid protein"
     misc_feature    74..724
                     /note="Tenuivirus/Phlebovirus nucleocapsid protein;
                     Region: Tenui_N; pfam05733"
     gene            complement(886..1680)
     CDS             complement(886..1680)
                     /product="nonstructural protein"
     misc_feature    complement(1120..1611)
                     /note="Rift valley fever virus non structural protein
                     (NSs) like; Region: NSs; cl42015"
        1 acacaaagac ccgagaactt ttcgtaatct gcgctaagac aagtccatga tggccattcg
       61 tgctccaatt gactttgtct tagagcttgc tagtgagccg tgggatgctg acaacgtggc
      121 ttctctggtg gagctttatg cttaccaggg atttgaccca actgtcatac agcaggagat
      181 agtcaggaag gccacgttgg gaaagaggga ctggaaggct gatgtcagga acatgatcat
      241 cctcaatgtc accagaggca acaagttgga caaaatggcc gctaaaatga ctgacaaggc
      301 caaggatgct ctcaaggact tgaggaggat ctatgagcta aaggactcca agccaggtgc
      361 aaaggacatc actcttgcta gagtggcaaa tgttcatgga gcttctacct gctccatgct
      421 gcgattggtt ccagagtctc ttccggtacc acactcgcac atgaacaccc tgagccaggg
      481 ctaccctgtc yctatgatgc acacctcatt tggaggcttg atcaatccta atgctccggg
      541 agctcaggac gtgactgatg ctcacaagct gtaccttgtg gaattctcca gggtcatcaa
      601 cagagctgga ggcaaatcgg tcggagagat tgttgagagt ttcagaacgc cactggcctc
      661 tgccattggc agccagtttc tgaaggaccc ccagaagaat gctatcctta agaaccttgg
      721 aatctatgat gagaacatgc acatctcgga gaaagtggtt gctgcagctg agaccttccg
      781 ccgcatggca atgtaaggtg ctgtaggggg aaagggaagg gaagggaggg atccagggag
      841 gggatctggg ggagggggga ggggaaactg gcagccactt tgacttcact gaatgatgct
      901 ctcttgaact gtgggccagt cccttgtcca cttagtgtct agccagcaac gcaggaagtc
      961 aggattccca atgaacaggg atacattcaa cggcaagcct aatgccattc tttctctttc
     1021 tctctcaatc agtgaaaggg tctcttgagt ctctttcctt tgtctctctt tgacaatcac
     1081 tgcaaacctt tgttcgcact tcagtctctg tctttcgaga atgcactgtg ctgtcagtag
     1141 ctggcacaag aacaagtcct tcatcaggca ctttccagag atgagatgat aatccaggcc
     1201 aaaccttatc atcctaaact taatcttctg gtagcacaag atgatctgat cactgagtgg
     1261 catgtcatta gattgcctct tagactgcct cagaacttgc ctgcagaaac tcttcaccag
     1321 gtcgggcgtg agcacaagtt cggggtgatc ccagacagtg attctcttgt agatcctgcc
     1381 tagagcaagg ctaggcctac caaatggcca tgagcaagca gttgggagag ctgaatagct
     1441 cctaaactca gaatcagtgg cgttctggaa aatttcaaac agagtgcagt cagcagaaag
     1501 ccagcccgag gaaagatcat tgatcagagt tgtctctccc gtcagatcaa tataacaggg
     1561 ttgaagtcct tgctcaagga agtcccaaat cgtgtctcta gtctcgtagg caatcagaaa
     1621 catcttcttc aagtatgttt ctgacacaat ccctgttggg tagattgcga ttgtgttcat
     1681 gttgatgaaa atctcggggg tctttgtgt
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