
Database: RefSeq
Entry: NC_040439
LinkDB: NC_040439
Original site: NC_040439 
LOCUS       NC_040439               1700 bp ds-RNA     linear   VRL 13-SEP-2019
DEFINITION  Chicken picobirnavirus strain PBV/CHK/M3841/HUN/2011 segment RNA2,
            complete sequence.
VERSION     NC_040439.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA485481
SOURCE      Chicken picobirnavirus
  ORGANISM  Chicken picobirnavirus
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Pisuviricota; Duplopiviricetes;
            Durnavirales; Picobirnaviridae; Picobirnavirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1700)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (13-SEP-2019) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to MH327934.
            Sequencing Technology :: ABI PRISM; Sanger dideoxy sequencing
            COMPLETENESS: full length.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..1700
                     /organism="Chicken picobirnavirus"
                     /mol_type="genomic RNA"
                     /isolation_source="faecal sample"
                     /segment="RNA 2"
     gene            45..1643
     CDS             45..1643
                     /product="RNA-dependent RNA polymerase"
     misc_feature    165..1532
                     /note="catalytic core domain of RNA-dependent RNA
                     polymerase (RdRp) of the family Picobirnaviridae of
                     positive-sense double-stranded RNA [(+)dsRNA] viruses;
                     Region: dsRNAv_Picobirnaviridae_RdRp; cd23185"
     misc_feature    order(600..623,645..662)
                     /note="conserved polymerase motif F; other site"
     misc_feature    order(609..611,657..659,663..665,681..683,693..695,
                     /note="putative RNA binding site [nucleotide binding];
                     other site"
     misc_feature    816..860
                     /note="conserved polymerase motif A; other site"
     misc_feature    1011..1082
                     /note="conserved polymerase motif B; other site"
     misc_feature    1107..1151
                     /note="conserved polymerase motif C; other site"
        1 gtaaattttg ttttacaaat acatttaaga aaggaggtaa gcaattgcct aaagaaattg
       61 tatctttaaa attgctggat aattatttca agtccagtac cagtctaaag tcatatcttg
      121 gcaatgtccg tagaggacaa cccaaagtct atgaaacgcc gttcgctcga ggcgaatcta
      181 ccaaatcttt actatcaaag tgggataaag tccttgtatc aataaaggac aaatggccct
      241 ctttgtattc ttacgagcag gatttacgat ctaaagtagg tcccatgtct atcatgaaac
      301 cattaaagga aagaatggca gatattgaat cttactatga agatgtaaaa cttccatctt
      361 cgccgatttc cgaccgtgca attaaggcag tgattgcaga atggaaacgg attaaaggta
      421 tgcatgtgcg tagccaacgc accaccgttg acctgatgaa gaaatcaact aattcaggtt
      481 ctccgtactt caccaagaga cggaatgtag tggatgacac tattccctgt gtcgtatatc
      541 catacaaacg cactgtcgcg caaatactca acaagtccag ttgggatgca tgcgcaattc
      601 ttggatggag agggcaggaa ggcggcccca gcgaggaaga cacgaaacag cgtgtggttt
      661 ggatgtttcc atttgctgtt aatattcgcg agcttcaagt atatcagcct ttgattgagt
      721 tagctcagcg tgagaatctg gtccctgctt gggttagcat ggaagcagtt gatagggaaa
      781 taacgctctt atttgacact aagaacgaga aagaccttat tgtgtgcaca gattttagta
      841 aatttgatca gcactttaat aagtcgttgc aggatgctgc ttatagtgta ctgagtagca
      901 tcttgaccaa agacgccact tcgagtgact ggttgagaga tgtattccca gtgaagtata
      961 tgattccttt ggcactgagc atgtcagaga tgaggtttgg tcttcacggg atgggatccg
     1021 gctcgggcgg aacgaatgcc gatgagacac tagcacacag gtgtctgcag tatgaggctg
     1081 cacaaaaatc caaatcttta ttaaaccctc attcaatgtg cctgggtgat gatggcatta
     1141 ttagttaccc gggaatcaca gtggatgatg tagttcatgc atactcctct catggtcaag
     1201 agatgaataa agataagcag tatgcatcaa cccaagattg catataccta agaaggtggc
     1261 atcacaagga ttaccgcgta ggaggtatat gcgtcggggt gtactcaact taccgcgcct
     1321 taggtaggtt aagatacctc gagcggtacc aaaatccaaa atattggtca gatagaatgg
     1381 ttgctcttcg acagctatct attctggaga atgtgaaata tcatcctctg aaagaacaat
     1441 ttgttgaatt ttgcatgaaa agggataaat atcggctcgg gatagacatc ccaggctttc
     1501 tggacaatat cgaagctgag gctcagaaag ctatcgaaca catgccggac tttttggggt
     1561 acactaaaac tttacaacta gaaggtaagg atttaggtat tggtgattgg tggatcgtca
     1621 aataccttaa gagccataag taaaggtaaa ttcgagatgg tgcagcaaac cattggaaca
     1681 acatacagtt gttccaactg
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