
Database: RefSeq
Entry: NP_041243
LinkDB: NP_041243
Original site: NP_041243 
LOCUS       NP_041243                672 aa            linear   VRL 13-AUG-2018
DEFINITION  nonstructural protein [Minute virus of mice].
VERSION     NP_041243.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA485481
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_001510.1
SOURCE      Minute virus of mice
  ORGANISM  Minute virus of mice
            Viruses; Monodnaviria; Shotokuvirae; Cossaviricota;
            Quintoviricetes; Piccovirales; Parvoviridae; Parvovirinae;
            Protoparvovirus; Protoparvovirus rodent1.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Morgan,W.R. and Ward,D.C.
  TITLE     Three splicing patterns are used to excise the small intron common
            to all minute virus of mice RNAs
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 60 (3), 1170-1174 (1986)
   PUBMED   3783817
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 672)
  AUTHORS   Astell,C.R., Gardiner,E.M. and Tattersall,P.
  TITLE     DNA sequence of the lymphotropic variant of minute virus of mice,
            MVM(i), and comparison with the DNA sequence of the fibrotropic
            prototype strain
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 57 (2), 656-669 (1986)
   PUBMED   3502703
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 672)
  AUTHORS   Astell,C.R., Thomson,M., Merchlinsky,M. and Ward,D.C.
  TITLE     The complete DNA sequence of minute virus of mice, an autonomous
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 11 (4), 999-1018 (1983)
   PUBMED   6298737
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 672)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-AUG-2000) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to AAA67109.
            The parvoviridae family cantains two groups that infect mammalian
            hosts: (i) defective (helper-dependent) adeno-associated viruses,
            and (ii) autonomous (helper-independent) parvoviruses. MVM is a
            member of the latter group. Both groups have been demonstrated to
            package both plus and minus strands (in separate particles) of the
            ss-DNA genome, though the minus strand is more typically packaged
            in the latter group.
            The sequence below corresponds to the plus (+) strand, also
            referred to as the C-strand. The minus (-) strand is also referred
            to as the V-strand.
            The 3' and 5' termini both exhibit the potential for forming stable
            'fold-back' hairpins; these sequences appear to play a role in
            replication [1].
            The left and right halves of the genome encode two distinct, but
            overlapping transcriptional units. The transcripts can be
            summarized [1] (1 map unit (mu) = 51 bp):
               R1 (4.8 kb): 4.5 mu - 46 mu; 46+ mu - 95 mu
               R2 (3.3 kb): 4.5 mu - 10.7 mu; 38 mu - 46 mu; 46+ mu - 95 mu
               R3 (3.0 kb): 40 mu - 46 mu; 46+ mu - 95 mu
            R3 is the major transcript.
            There are two major open reading frames, both on the plus (or C)
            strand. The left side ORF (261-2279) probably encodes a non-capsid
            protein of 85 kd; the right side ORF probably encodes the viral
            capsid proteins, VP1 (or A, 83 kd), VP2 (or B, 64 kd), and VP3 (or
            C, 61 kd). But because of uncertainties about the precise splice
            points in the transcripts, the exact starts, stops and (possible)
            intron boundaries are not known.
            revision   4804     4870     a-65bp-a in [2]; aa in [1] [2]
            revises [1].
            [3]  sites; splice sites.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..672
                     /organism="Minute virus of mice"
                     /lab_host="mouse l (variant A-9) cell"
     Protein         1..672
                     /product="nonstructural protein"
     Region          185..255
                     /note="Parvovirus non-structural protein 1; pfam12433"
     Region          277..547
                     /note="Parvovirus non-structural protein NS1; pfam01057"
     Region          552..672
                     /note="Protein of unknown function (DUF3580); pfam12117"
     CDS             1..672
        1 magnaysdev lgatnwlkek snqevfsfvf knenvqlngk digwnsykke lqedelkslq
       61 rgaettwdqs edmewettvd emtkkqvfif dslvkkclfe vlntknifpg dvnwfvqhew
      121 gkdqgwhchv liggkdfsqa qgkwwrrqln vywsrwlvta cnvqltpaer iklreiaedn
      181 ewvtlltykh kqtkkdytkc vlfgnmiayy fltkkkists pprdggyfls sdsgwktnfl
      241 kegerhlvsk lytddmrpet vettvttaqe tkrgriqtkk evsikttlke lvhkrvtspe
      301 dwmmmqpdsy iemmaqpgge nllkntleic tltlartkta fdlilekaet skltnfslpd
      361 trtcrifafh gwnyvkvcha iccvlnrqgg krntvlfhgp astgksiiaq aiaqavgnvg
      421 cynaanvnfp fndctnknli wveeagnfgq qvnqfkaics gqtiridqkg kgskqieptp
      481 vimttnenit vvrigceerp ehtqpirdrm lnihlthtlp gdfglvdkne wpmicawlvk
      541 ngyqstmasy cakwgkvpdw senwaepkvp tpinllgsar spfttpkstp lsqnyaltpl
      601 asdledlale pwstpntpva gtaetqntge agskacqdgq lsptwseiee dlracfgaep
      661 lkkdfsepln ld
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