
Database: RefSeq
Entry: YP_002790881
LinkDB: YP_002790881
Original site: YP_002790881 
LOCUS       YP_002790881            3419 aa            linear   VRL 01-AUG-2019
DEFINITION  polyprotein [Zika virus].
ACCESSION   YP_002790881
VERSION     YP_002790881.1
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA485481
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_012532.1
SOURCE      Zika virus
  ORGANISM  Zika virus
            Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes;
            Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Orthoflavivirus; Orthoflavivirus
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 3419)
  AUTHORS   Kuno,G. and Chang,G.-J.J.
  TITLE     Full-length sequencing and genomic characterization of Bagaza,
            Kedougou, and Zika viruses
  JOURNAL   Arch Virol. 152 (4), 687-696 (2007)
   PUBMED   17195954
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 3419)
  AUTHORS   Kuno,G. and Chang,G.J.
  TITLE     Biological transmission of arboviruses: reexamination of and new
            insights into components, mechanisms, and unique traits as well as
            their evolutionary trends
  JOURNAL   Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 18 (4), 608-637 (2005)
   PUBMED   16223950
REFERENCE   3  (residues 1 to 3419)
  CONSRTM   NCBI Genome Project
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (06-APR-2009) National Center for Biotechnology
            Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
REFERENCE   4  (residues 1 to 3419)
  AUTHORS   Kuno,G. and Chang,G.-J.J.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (01-AUG-2006) Division of Vector-Borne Infect. Dis., CDC,
            P.O. Box 2087, Fort Collins, CO 80522-2087, USA
  REMARK    Sequence update by submitter
REFERENCE   5  (residues 1 to 3419)
  AUTHORS   Kuno,G., Chang,G.-J.J. and Tsuchiya,K.R.
  TITLE     Direct Submission
  JOURNAL   Submitted (21-MAY-2004) Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Division of
            Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and
            Prevention, P.O. Box 2087, Fort Collins, CO 80522, USA
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from AAV34151.
            Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..3419
                     /organism="Zika virus"
                     /strain="MR 766"
                     /host="sentinel monkey"
                     /note="mosquito-borne flavivirus"
     Protein         1..3419
     mat_peptide     1..122
                     /product="anchored capsid protein ancC"
     mat_peptide     1..104
                     /product="capsid protein C"
     Region          12..122
                     /note="Flavivirus capsid protein C; pfam01003"
     mat_peptide     123..290
                     /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM"
     mat_peptide     123..215
                     /product="protein pr"
     Region          127..203
                     /note="Flavivirus polyprotein propeptide; pfam01570"
     mat_peptide     216..290
                     /product="membrane glycoprotein M"
     Region          216..290
                     /note="Flavivirus envelope glycoprotein M; cd17038"
     Site            order(216,218..227,229..231,233..234,243,273,284)
                     /note="glycoprotein E binding interface [polypeptide
     mat_peptide     291..790
                     /product="envelope protein E"
     Region          292..588
                     /note="Flavivirus glycoprotein, central and dimerization
                     domains; pfam00869"
     Region          597..689
                     /note="Immunoglobulin-like domain III (C-terminal domain)
                     of Flavivirus envelope glycoprotein E; cd12149"
     Site            order(602..603,605..606,613..614,661)
                     /note="homodimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(609,626,645..648,650)
                     /note="low pH domain interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(610,626,643..645,665)
                     /note="low pH trimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Region          694..790
                     /note="flavivirus envelope glycoprotein E, stem/anchor
                     domain; TIGR04240"
     mat_peptide     791..1142
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS1"
     Region          793..1144
                     /note="Flavivirus non-structural Protein NS1; pfam00948"
     mat_peptide     1143..1368
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS2A"
     Region          1154..1303
                     /note="Flavivirus non-structural protein NS2A; pfam01005"
     mat_peptide     1369..1498
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS2B"
     Region          1373..1498
                     /note="Flavivirus non-structural protein NS2B; pfam01002"
     mat_peptide     1499..2115
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS3"
     Region          1516..1665
                     /note="Peptidase S7, Flavivirus NS3 serine protease;
     Region          1684..1829
                     /note="Flavivirus DEAD domain; pfam07652"
     Site            order(1694..1700,1783..1784)
                     /note="ATP binding site [chemical binding]"
     Region          1831..1973
                     /note="C-terminal helicase domain of viral helicase;
     Site            order(1838,1843,1846..1847,1934..1936)
                     /note="homodimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Site            order(1957,1960)
                     /note="putative ATP binding site [chemical binding]"
     mat_peptide     2116..2242
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS4A"
     Region          2121..2265
                     /note="Flavivirus non-structural protein NS4A; pfam01350"
     mat_peptide     2243..2265
                     /product="protein 2K"
     mat_peptide     2266..2516
                     /product="nonstructural protein NS4B"
     Region          2266..2508
                     /note="Flavivirus non-structural protein NS4B; pfam01349"
     mat_peptide     2517..3419
                     /product="RNA-dependent RNA polymerase NS5"
     Region          2527..2757
                     /note="Cap-0 specific (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferase
                     of flaviviridae; cd20761"
     Site            order(2529,2532..2533,2535,2666..2667,2731)
                     /note="nucleic acid substrate binding site [nucleotide
     Site            order(2597..2599,2602..2603,2620..2621,2646..2647,
                     /note="SAM binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(2662,2698,2734)
     Region          2768..3412
                     /note="Flavivirus RNA-directed RNA polymerase; pfam00972"
     CDS             1..3419
        1 mknpkeeirr irivnmlkrg varvnplggl krlpaglllg hgpirmvlai laflrftaik
       61 pslglinrwg svgkkeamei ikkfkkdlaa mlriinarke rkrrgadtsi giigllltta
      121 maaeitrrgs ayymyldrsd agkaisfatt lgvnkchvqi mdlghmcdat msyecpmlde
      181 gvepddvdcw cnttstwvvy gtchhkkgea rrsrravtlp shstrklqtr sqtwlesrey
      241 tkhlikvenw ifrnpgfalv avaiawllgs stsqkviylv milliapays ircigvsnrd
      301 fvegmsggtw vdvvlehggc vtvmaqdkpt vdielvtttv snmaevrsyc yeasisdmas
      361 dsrcptqgea yldkqsdtqy vckrtlvdrg wgngcglfgk gslvtcakft cskkmtgksi
      421 qpenleyrim lsvhgsqhsg migyetdedr akvevtpnsp raeatlggfg slgldceprt
      481 gldfsdlyyl tmnnkhwlvh kewfhdiplp whagadtgtp hwnnkealve fkdahakrqt
      541 vvvlgsqega vhtalagale aemdgakgrl fsghlkcrlk mdklrlkgvs yslctaaftf
      601 tkvpaetlhg tvtvevqyag tdgpckipvq mavdmqtltp vgrlitanpv itestenskm
      661 mleldppfgd syivigvgdk kithhwhrsg stigkafeat vrgakrmavl gdtawdfgsv
      721 ggvfnslgkg ihqifgaafk slfggmswfs qiligtllvw lglntkngsi sltclalggv
      781 miflstavsa dvgcsvdfsk ketrcgtgvf iyndveawrd rykyhpdspr rlaaavkqaw
      841 eegicgissv srmenimwks vegelnaile engvqltvvv gsvknpmwrg pqrlpvpvne
      901 lphgwkawgk syfvraaktn nsfvvdgdtl kecplehraw nsflvedhgf gvfhtsvwlk
      961 vredyslecd pavigtavkg reaahsdlgy wiesekndtw rlkrahliem ktcewpksht
     1021 lwtdgveesd liipkslagp lshhntregy rtqvkgpwhs eeleirfeec pgtkvyveet
     1081 cgtrgpslrs ttasgrviee wccrectmpp lsfrakdgcw ygmeirprke pesnlvrsmv
     1141 tagstdhmdh fslgvlvill mvqeglkkrm ttkiimstsm avlvvmilgg fsmsdlaklv
     1201 ilmgatfaem ntggdvahla lvaafkvrpa llvsfifran wtpresmlla lascllqtai
     1261 salegdlmvl ingfalawla iramavprtd nialpilaal tplargtllv awraglatcg
     1321 gimllslkgk gsvkknlpfv malgltavrv vdpinvvgll lltrsgkrsw ppsevltavg
     1381 licalaggfa kadiemagpm aavgllivsy vvsgksvdmy ieragditwe kdaevtgnsp
     1441 rldvaldesg dfslveedgp pmreiilkvv lmaicgmnpi aipfaagawy vyvktgkrsg
     1501 alwdvpapke vkkgettdgv yrvmtrrllg stqvgvgvmq egvfhtmwhv tkgaalrsge
     1561 grldpywgdv kqdlvsycgp wkldaawdgl sevqllavpp gerarniqtl pgifktkdgd
     1621 igavaldypa gtsgspildk cgrviglygn gvvikngsyv saitqgkree etpvecfeps
     1681 mlkkkqltvl dlhpgagktr rvlpeivrea ikkrlrtvil aptrvvaaem eealrglpvr
     1741 ymttavnvth sgteivdlmc hatftsrllq pirvpnynln imdeahftdp ssiaargyis
     1801 trvemgeaaa ifmtatppgt rdafpdsnsp imdtevevpe rawssgfdwv tdhsgktvwf
     1861 vpsvrngnei aacltkagkr viqlsrktfe tefqktknqe wdfvittdis emganfkadr
     1921 vidsrrclkp vildgervil agpmpvthas aaqrrgrigr npnkpgdeym ygggcaetde
     1981 ghahwlearm lldniylqdg liaslyrpea dkvaaiegef klrteqrktf velmkrgdlp
     2041 vwlayqvasa gitytdrrwc fdgttnntim edsvpaevwt kygekrvlkp rwmdarvcsd
     2101 haalksfkef aagkrgaalg vmealgtlpg hmterfqeai dnlavlmrae tgsrpykaaa
     2161 aqlpetleti mllgllgtvs lgiffvlmrn kgigkmgfgm vtlgasawlm wlseiepari
     2221 acvlivvfll lvvlipepek qrspqdnqma iiimvavgll glitanelgw lertkndiah
     2281 lmgrreegat mgfsmdidlr pasawaiyaa lttlitpavq havttsynny slmamatqag
     2341 vlfgmgkgmp fmhgdlgvpl lmmgcysqlt pltlivaiil lvahymylip glqaaaaraa
     2401 qkrtaagimk npvvdgivvt didtmtidpq vekkmgqvll iavaissavl lrtawgwgea
     2461 galitaatst lwegspnkyw nsstatslcn ifrgsylaga sliytvtrna glvkrrgggt
     2521 getlgekwka rlnqmsalef ysykksgite vcreearral kdgvatggha vsrgsakirw
     2581 leergylqpy gkvvdlgcgr ggwsyyaati rkvqevrgyt kggpgheepm lvqsygwniv
     2641 rlksgvdvfh maaepcdtll cdigessssp eveetrtlrv lsmvgdwlek rpgafcikvl
     2701 cpytstmmet merlqrrhgg glvrvplcrn sthemywvsg aksniiksvs ttsqlllgrm
     2761 dgprrpvkye edvnlgsgtr avascaeapn mkiigrrier irnehaetwf ldenhpyrtw
     2821 ayhgsyeapt qgsasslvng vvrllskpwd vvtgvtgiam tdttpygqqr vfkekvdtrv
     2881 pdpqegtrqv mnivsswlwk elgkrkrprv ctkeefinkv rsnaalgaif eeekewktav
     2941 eavndprfwa lvdrerehhl rgechscvyn mmgkrekkqg efgkakgsra iwymwlgarf
     3001 lefealgfln edhwmgrens gggveglglq rlgyileemn rapggkmyad dtagwdtris
     3061 kfdleneali tnqmeeghrt lalavikyty qnkvvkvlrp aeggktvmdi isrqdqrgsg
     3121 qvvtyalntf tnlvvqlirn meaeevlemq dlwllrkpek vtrwlqsngw drlkrmavsg
     3181 ddcvvkpidd rfahalrfln dmgkvrkdtq ewkpstgwsn weevpfcshh fnklylkdgr
     3241 sivvpcrhqd eligrarvsp gagwsireta claksyaqmw qllyfhrrdl rlmanaicsa
     3301 vpvdwvptgr ttwsihgkge wmttedmlmv wnrvwieend hmedktpvtk wtdipylgkr
     3361 edlwcgslig hrprttwaen ikdtvnmvrr iigdeekymd ylstqvrylg eegstpgvl
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