+C Secretion system KO #

  Secretion System - Novosphingobium aromaticivorans

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AType I secretion system B alpha-Hemolysin/cyclolysin transporter C Saro_0186 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein C Saro_0246 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein B RTX toxin transporter C Saro_0186 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein C Saro_0246 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein B Multiple protein transporter C Saro_0244 Type I secretion system ATPase, PrtD K12536 hasD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, type I secretion system permease/ATPase C Saro_0245 Type I secretion membrane fusion protein, HlyD K12537 hasE; membrane fusion protein, type I secretion system C Saro_0186 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein C Saro_0246 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein B Adhesin protein transporter B RaxAB-RaxC type I secretion system protein C Saro_0186 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein C Saro_0246 Type I secretion outer membrane protein, TolC K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein # AType II secretion system B General secretion pathway protein C Saro_2332 ATPase K02450 gspA; general secretion pathway protein A C Saro_2654 type II secretion system protein C K02452 gspC; general secretion pathway protein C C Saro_2653 type II and III secretion system protein K02453 gspD; general secretion pathway protein D C Saro_2652 type II secretion system protein E K02454 gspE; general secretion pathway protein E [EC:] C Saro_2651 General secretion pathway protein F K02455 gspF; general secretion pathway protein F C Saro_2650 General secretion pathway protein G K02456 gspG; general secretion pathway protein G C Saro_1383 General secretion pathway protein H K02457 gspH; general secretion pathway protein H C Saro_1384 General secretion pathway protein I K02458 gspI; general secretion pathway protein I C Saro_1385 General secretion pathway protein J K02459 gspJ; general secretion pathway protein J C Saro_1386 General secretion pathway protein K K02460 gspK; general secretion pathway protein K C Saro_2649 General secretion pathway L K02461 gspL; general secretion pathway protein L C Saro_2648 hypothetical protein K02462 gspM; general secretion pathway protein M C Saro_2647 type II secretion system protein N K02463 gspN; general secretion pathway protein N C Saro_2305 type 4 prepilin peptidase 1, Aspartic peptidase, MEROPS family A24A K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] B Pilin secretion/fimbrial assembly protein C Saro_2305 type 4 prepilin peptidase 1, Aspartic peptidase, MEROPS family A24A K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] B Tight adherence (Tad) export apparatus C Saro_1081 peptidase A24A, prepilin type IV K02278 cpaA; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:] C Saro_1526 peptidase A24A, prepilin type IV K02278 cpaA; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:] C Saro_1080 Flp pilus assembly CpaB K02279 cpaB; pilus assembly protein CpaB C Saro_1515 Flp pilus assembly CpaB K02279 cpaB; pilus assembly protein CpaB C Saro_1079 type II and III secretion system protein K02280 cpaC; pilus assembly protein CpaC C Saro_1516 type II and III secretion system protein K02280 cpaC; pilus assembly protein CpaC C Saro_1078 hypothetical protein K02281 cpaD; pilus assembly protein CpaD C Saro_1077 response regulator receiver domain protein (CheY-like) K02282 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE C Saro_1521 Flp pilus assembly protein ATPase CpaE-like protein K02282 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE C Saro_1522 type II secretion system protein E K02283 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:] C Saro_1856 type II secretion system protein E K02283 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:] C Saro_1076 type II secretion system protein K12510 tadB; tight adherence protein B C Saro_1523 type II secretion system protein K12510 tadB; tight adherence protein B C Saro_1075 type II secretion system protein K12511 tadC; tight adherence protein C C Saro_1524 type II secretion system protein K12511 tadC; tight adherence protein C C Saro_1905 Flp/Fap pilin component K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA C Saro_1906 hypothetical protein K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA B Toxin co-regulated pilus biosynthesis protein B MSHA pilus biogenesis protein B Type IVa pilus homolog protein C Saro_2305 type 4 prepilin peptidase 1, Aspartic peptidase, MEROPS family A24A K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] C Saro_3299 protein of unknown function YGGT K02221 yggT; YggT family protein B Archaeal flagellar protein B Competence-related DNA transformation transporter (DNA-T) core components C Saro_2030 ComEC/Rec2-related protein K02238 comEC; competence protein ComEC B Competence-related DNA transformation transporter (DNA-T) related proteins # AType III secretion system B Type III secretion core apparatus B Type III secretion related proteins B Flagellar export apparatus # AType IV secretion system B Conjugal DNA-protein transfer (VirB/D) protein C Saro_0320 TRAG protein K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:] B DNA uptake competence system protein B Conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein C Saro_2169 TraG-like protein K12056 traG; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraG C Saro_2167 hypothetical protein K12057 traF; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraF C Saro_3996 hypothetical protein K12057 traF; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraF C Saro_3998 Mating pair stabilisation TraN K12058 traN; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraN C Saro_3999 hypothetical protein K12059 trbC; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TrbC C Saro_4000 TraU family protein K12060 traU; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraU C Saro_2166 conserved hypothetical protein K12061 traW; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraW C Saro_4002 hypothetical protein K12061 traW; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraW C Saro_2165 Type IV secretory pathway protease TraF-like protein K12062 trbI; conjugal transfer pilin signal peptidase TrbI C Saro_4003 hypothetical protein K12062 trbI; conjugal transfer pilin signal peptidase TrbI C Saro_2162 ATPase K12063 traC; conjugal transfer ATP-binding protein TraC C Saro_4006 type IV secretion/conjugal transfer ATPase, VirB4 family K12063 traC; conjugal transfer ATP-binding protein TraC C Saro_2161 hypothetical protein K12064 traV; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraV C Saro_4007 hypothetical protein K12064 traV; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraV C Saro_2159 TraB pilus assembly K12065 traB; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraB C Saro_4009 TraB pilus assembly family protein K12065 traB; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraB C Saro_2158 hypothetical protein K12066 traK; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraK C Saro_4010 hypothetical protein K12066 traK; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraK C Saro_2157 TraE K12067 traE; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraE C Saro_4011 TraE family protein K12067 traE; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraE C Saro_2156 TraL K12068 traL; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraL C Saro_4012 TraL family protein K12068 traL; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraL C Saro_2155 hypothetical protein K12069 traA; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraA C Saro_4013 hypothetical protein K12069 traA; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraA C Saro_2160 hypothetical protein K03981 dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] C Saro_4008 hypothetical protein K03981 dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] C Saro_2168 TraH K12072 traH; conjugative transfer pilus assembly protein TraH C Saro_3995 TraH family protein K12072 traH; conjugative transfer pilus assembly protein TraH B Pertussis toxin exporter B Cag pathogenicity island (PAI) protein B Icm/Dot secretion system protein B Trb secretion system protein C Saro_0318 type II secretion system protein E K20527 trbB; type IV secretion system protein TrbB [EC:] C Saro_0317 Conjugal transfer protein TrbC K20528 trbC; type IV secretion system protein TrbC C Saro_0316 conjugal transfer protein TrbD K20529 trbD; type IV secretion system protein TrbD C Saro_0315 CagE, TrbE, VirB component of type IV transporter system K20530 trbE; type IV secretion system protein TrbE [EC:] C Saro_0311 Conjugal transfer protein K20531 trbF; type IV secretion system protein TrbF C Saro_0310 Conjugal transfer protein TrbG/VirB9/CagX K20532 trbG; type IV secretion system protein TrbG C Saro_0309 conjugation TrbI-like protein K20533 trbI; type IV secretion system protein TrbI C Saro_0314 putative conjugal transfer protein TrbJ K20266 trbJ; type IV secretion system protein TrbJ C Saro_0312 TrbL/VirB6 plasmid conjugal transfer protein K07344 trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL # AType V secretion system B Autotransporter-1 (AT-1) family B Autotransporter-2 (AT-2) family B Two-partner secretion (TPS) family # AType VI secretion system B Imp/Vas secretion system core components B Imp/Vas secretion system related proteins # AType VII secretion system B ESX secretion system protein # AChaperone-usher system B Type 1 pilus assembly protein C Saro_0765 hypothetical protein K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein C Saro_0764 conserved hypothetical protein K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein B P pilus assembly protein B Mat/Ecp fimbriae assembly protein # AExtracellular nucleation-precipitation pathway B Curli assembly protein # ASec (secretion) system B Prokaryotic Sec-SRP core components C Saro_1990 protein translocase subunit secA K03070 secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA [EC:] C Saro_0586 protein translocase subunit secB K03071 secB; preprotein translocase subunit SecB C Saro_2073 protein-export membrane protein SecD K03072 secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD C Saro_0831 protein translocase subunit secE/sec61 gamma K03073 secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE C Saro_2072 protein translocase subunit secF K03074 secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF C Saro_2018 protein translocase subunit secG K03075 secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG C Saro_1269 protein translocase subunit secY/sec61 alpha K03076 secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY C Saro_1404 signal recognition particle subunit FFH/SRP54 (srp54) K03106 SRP54; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] C Saro_1400 signal recognition particle-docking protein FtsY K03110 ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor C Saro_2074 protein translocase subunit yajC K03210 yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC C Saro_0578 protein translocase subunit yidC K03217 yidC; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase B Prokaryotic Sec-SRP related proteins B Eukaryotic Sec-SRP protein C Saro_1404 signal recognition particle subunit FFH/SRP54 (srp54) K03106 SRP54; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] # ATwin-arginine translocation (Tat) system B Twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway protein C Saro_1094 twin-arginine translocation protein, TatA/E family K03116 tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA C Saro_1095 twin-arginine translocation protein TatB K03117 tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB C Saro_1096 Sec-independent protein translocase TatC K03118 tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC ! #
#Last updated: December 11, 2023