+C Secretion system KO
Secretion System - Sphingobium indicum UT26S
AType I secretion system
B alpha-Hemolysin/cyclolysin transporter
C SJA_C1-31740 hlyB; hemolysin secretion protein HlyB K11004 hlyB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial HlyB/CyaB
C SJA_C1-31750 hlyD; HlyD-family secretion protein K11003 hlyD; membrane fusion protein, hemolysin D
C SJA_C1-25090 TolC-like protein K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein
B RTX toxin transporter
C SJA_C1-25090 TolC-like protein K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein
B Multiple protein transporter
C SJA_C1-06090 ATP-binding cassette protein K12536 hasD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, type I secretion system permease/ATPase
C SJA_C1-17650 ATP-binding cassette protein K12536 hasD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, type I secretion system permease/ATPase
C SJA_C1-34880 putative ABC-type transport system ATPase and permease component K12536 hasD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, type I secretion system permease/ATPase
C SJA_C1-06100 HlyD-family secretion protein K12537 hasE; membrane fusion protein, type I secretion system
C SJA_C1-17660 HlyD-family secretion protein K12537 hasE; membrane fusion protein, type I secretion system
C SJA_C1-34870 HlyD-family secretion protein K12537 hasE; membrane fusion protein, type I secretion system
C SJA_C1-25090 TolC-like protein K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein
B Adhesin protein transporter
C SJA_C1-06990 putative type I secretion protein ATP-binding protein K12541 lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB
C SJA_C1-22300 putative type I secretion protein ATP-binding protein K12541 lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB
C SJA_C1-06980 HlyD-family secretion protein K12542 lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system
C SJA_C1-22280 HlyD-family secretion protein K12542 lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system
C SJA_C1-07000 RND-family efflux transporter K12543 lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system
C SJA_C1-22310 putative agglutination protein K12543 lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system
B RaxAB-RaxC type I secretion system protein
C SJA_C1-25090 TolC-like protein K12340 tolC; outer membrane protein
AType II secretion system
B General secretion pathway protein
C SJA_C1-15050 exeA; general secretion pathway protein A K02450 gspA; general secretion pathway protein A
C SJA_C1-23570 pulC; type II secretory pathway component PulC K02452 gspC; general secretion pathway protein C
C SJA_C1-23560 pulD; type II secretory pathway component PulD K02453 gspD; general secretion pathway protein D
C SJA_C1-23550 pulE; type II secretory pathway ATPase PulE K02454 gspE; general secretion pathway protein E [EC:]
C SJA_C1-23540 pulF; type II secretory pathway component PulF K02455 gspF; general secretion pathway protein F
C SJA_C1-23530 pulG; type II secretory pathway pseudopilin PulG K02456 gspG; general secretion pathway protein G
C SJA_C1-23520 pulH; type II secretory pathway component PulH K02457 gspH; general secretion pathway protein H
C SJA_C1-23510 pulI; type II secretory pathway component PulI K02458 gspI; general secretion pathway protein I
C SJA_C1-23500 pulJ; type II secretory pathway component PulJ K02459 gspJ; general secretion pathway protein J
C SJA_C1-23490 pulK; type II secretory pathway component PulK K02460 gspK; general secretion pathway protein K
C SJA_C1-23480 pulL; type II secretory pathway component PulL K02461 gspL; general secretion pathway protein L
C SJA_C1-23470 pulM; type II secretory pathway component PulM K02462 gspM; general secretion pathway protein M
C SJA_C1-23460 pulN; type II secretory pathway component PulN K02463 gspN; general secretion pathway protein N
C SJA_C1-23450 pulO; type II secretory pathway prepilin signal peptidase PulO K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-]
B Pilin secretion/fimbrial assembly protein
C SJA_C1-23450 pulO; type II secretory pathway prepilin signal peptidase PulO K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-]
B Tight adherence (Tad) export apparatus
C SJA_C1-22420 cpaA; Flp pilus assembly protein protease CpaA K02278 cpaA; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:]
C SJA_C1-24450 cpaA; Flp pilus assembly protein protease CpaA K02278 cpaA; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:]
C SJA_C1-22540 cpaB; Flp pilus assembly protein CpaB K02279 cpaB; pilus assembly protein CpaB
C SJA_C1-24460 cpaB; Flp pilus assembly protein CpaB K02279 cpaB; pilus assembly protein CpaB
C SJA_C2-00360 cpaB; Flp pilus assembly protein CpaB K02279 cpaB; pilus assembly protein CpaB
C SJA_C1-22530 cpaC; Flp pilus assembly protein secretin CpaC K02280 cpaC; pilus assembly protein CpaC
C SJA_C1-24470 cpaC; Flp pilus assembly protein secretin CpaC K02280 cpaC; pilus assembly protein CpaC
C SJA_C2-00350 cpaC; Flp pilus assembly protein secretin CpaC K02280 cpaC; pilus assembly protein CpaC
C SJA_C1-24480 cpaD; Flp pilus assembly protein CpaD K02281 cpaD; pilus assembly protein CpaD
C SJA_C1-22480 cpaE; Flp pilus assembly protein ATPase CpaE K02282 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE
C SJA_C1-24490 cpaE; Flp pilus assembly protein ATPase CpaE K02282 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE
C SJA_C2-00340 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE K02282 cpaE; pilus assembly protein CpaE
C SJA_C1-22470 cpaF; ATPase CpaF K02283 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:]
C SJA_C1-26870 flaI; archaeal flagellar protein FlaI K02283 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:]
C SJA_C2-00330 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF K02283 cpaF; pilus assembly protein CpaF [EC:]
C SJA_C1-22460 tadB; Flp pilus assembly protein TadB K12510 tadB; tight adherence protein B
C SJA_C1-24500 tadB; Flp pilus assembly protein TadB K12510 tadB; tight adherence protein B
C SJA_C2-00320 tadB; Flp pilus assembly protein TadB K12510 tadB; tight adherence protein B
C SJA_C1-22450 tadC; Flp pilus assembly protein TadC K12511 tadC; tight adherence protein C
C SJA_C1-24510 tadC; Flp pilus assembly protein TadC K12511 tadC; tight adherence protein C
C SJA_C2-00310 tadC; Flp pilus assembly protein TadC K12511 tadC; tight adherence protein C
C SJA_C2-00280 putative membrane protein K27080 tadG; tight adherence protein G
C SJA_C1-22550 flp; Flp pilus assembly protein pilin Flp K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA
C SJA_C1-22560 flp; Flp pilus assembly protein pilin Flp K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA
C SJA_C1-23960 putative pilin Flp K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA
C SJA_C1-23970 putative pilin Flp K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA
C SJA_C2-00270 putative pilus assembly protein K02651 flp; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA
B Toxin co-regulated pilus biosynthesis protein
B MSHA pilus biogenesis protein
B Type IVa pilus homolog protein
C SJA_C1-23450 pulO; type II secretory pathway prepilin signal peptidase PulO K02654 pilD; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-]
C SJA_C1-06830 conserved hypothetical protein K02221 yggT; YggT family protein
B Archaeal flagellar protein
B Competence-related DNA transformation transporter (DNA-T) core components
C SJA_C1-08450 ComEC/Rec2-related protein K02238 comEC; competence protein ComEC
B Competence-related DNA transformation transporter (DNA-T) related proteins
AType III secretion system
B Type III secretion core apparatus
B Type III secretion related proteins
B Flagellar export apparatus
C SJA_C1-30900 flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA K02400 flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA
C SJA_C1-30700 flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FlhB K02401 flhB; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhB
C SJA_C1-30830 fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF K02409 fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF
C SJA_C1-30810 fliH; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliH K02411 fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH
C SJA_C1-30800 fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase FliI K02412 fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:]
C SJA_C1-30750 fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN/FliY K02417 fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN
C SJA_C1-30740 fliO; flagellar biogenesis protein FliO K02418 fliO; flagellar protein FliO/FliZ
C SJA_C1-30730 fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP K02419 fliP; flagellar biosynthesis protein FliP
C SJA_C1-30720 fliQ; flagellar biosynthesis pathway component FliQ K02420 fliQ; flagellar biosynthesis protein FliQ
C SJA_C1-30710 fliR; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR K02421 fliR; flagellar biosynthesis protein FliR
AType IV secretion system
B Conjugal DNA-protein transfer (VirB/D) protein
C SJA_C1-04680 virB1; type IV secretion system protein VirB1 K03194 virB1; type IV secretion system protein VirB1
C SJA_C1-04670 virB2; type IV secretory pathway VirB2 component K03197 virB2; type IV secretion system protein VirB2
C SJA_C1-04660 virB3; type IV secretory pathway VirB3 component K03198 virB3; type IV secretion system protein VirB3
C SJA_C1-04650 virB4; type IV secretory pathway VirB4 component K03199 virB4; type IV secretion system protein VirB4 [EC:]
C SJA_C1-04640 virB5; type IV secretory pathway VirB5 component K03200 virB5; type IV secretion system protein VirB5
C SJA_C1-04630 virB6; type IV secretory pathway VirB6 component K03201 virB6; type IV secretion system protein VirB6
C SJA_C1-04610 virB8; type IV secretory pathway VirB8 component K03203 virB8; type IV secretion system protein VirB8
C SJA_C1-04600 virB9; type IV secretory pathway VirB9 component K03204 virB9; type IV secretion system protein VirB9
C SJA_C1-04590 virB10; type IV secretory pathway VirB10 component K03195 virB10; type IV secretion system protein VirB10
C SJA_C1-04580 virB11; type IV secretory pathway VirB11 component K03196 virB11; type IV secretion system protein VirB11 [EC:]
C SJA_C1-04570 virD4; type IV secretory pathway VirD4 component K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:]
C SJA_C1-20020 virD4; type IV secretory pathway VirD4 component K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:]
C SJA_C1-29720 traG; conjugal transfer protein TraG K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:]
C SJA_P1-01800 traG; conjugal transfer protein TraG K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:]
C SJA_P2-00410 traG; conjugal transfer protein TraG K03205 virD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 [EC:]
B DNA uptake competence system protein
B Conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein
C SJA_P1-01230 traG; DNA transfer and F pilus assembly protein TraG K12056 traG; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraG
C SJA_P1-01180 thioredoxin-related protein K12057 traF; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraF
C SJA_P1-01150 traN; mating pair stabilization protein TraN K12058 traN; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraN
C SJA_P1-01160 hypothetical protein K12059 trbC; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TrbC
C SJA_P1-01120 traU; conjugal DNA transfer protein TraU K12060 traU; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraU
C SJA_P1-01110 traW; plasmid transfer protein TraW K12061 traW; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraW
C SJA_P1-01170 type IV secretory pathway protease TraF-like protein K12062 trbI; conjugal transfer pilin signal peptidase TrbI
C SJA_P1-01080 traC; type IV secretory pathway VirB4 component K12063 traC; conjugal transfer ATP-binding protein TraC
C SJA_P1-01070 putative exported protein K12064 traV; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraV
C SJA_P1-01060 traB; conjugal transfer protein TraB K12065 traB; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraB
C SJA_P1-01050 putative exported protein K12066 traK; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraK
C SJA_P1-01040 putative sex pilus assembly and synthesis protein K12067 traE; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraE
C SJA_P1-01010 putative protein-disulfide isomerase K03981 dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:]
C SJA_P1-01220 traH; sex pilus assembly protein TraH K12072 traH; conjugative transfer pilus assembly protein TraH
B Pertussis toxin exporter
B Cag pathogenicity island (PAI) protein
B Icm/Dot secretion system protein
B Trb secretion system protein
C SJA_C1-19990 trbB; conjugal transfer protein TrbB K20527 trbB; type IV secretion system protein TrbB [EC:]
C SJA_C1-29700 trbB; conjugal transfer protein TrbB K20527 trbB; type IV secretion system protein TrbB [EC:]
C SJA_P1-01780 trbB; conjugal transfer protein TrbB K20527 trbB; type IV secretion system protein TrbB [EC:]
C SJA_C1-19980 virB2; type IV secretory pathway VirB2 component K20528 trbC; type IV secretion system protein TrbC
C SJA_C1-29690 trbC; conjugal transfer protein TrbC K20528 trbC; type IV secretion system protein TrbC
C SJA_P1-01770 trbC; conjugal transfer protein TrbC K20528 trbC; type IV secretion system protein TrbC
C SJA_C1-19970 trbD; type IV secretory pathway TrbD component K20529 trbD; type IV secretion system protein TrbD
C SJA_C1-29680 trbD; conjugal transfer protein TrbD K20529 trbD; type IV secretion system protein TrbD
C SJA_P1-01760 trbD; conjugal transfer protein TrbD K20529 trbD; type IV secretion system protein TrbD
C SJA_C1-19960 virB4; type IV secretory pathway VirB4 component K20530 trbE; type IV secretion system protein TrbE [EC:]
C SJA_C1-29670 trbE; conjugal transfer protein TrbE K20530 trbE; type IV secretion system protein TrbE [EC:]
C SJA_P1-01750 trbE; conjugal transfer protein TrbE K20530 trbE; type IV secretion system protein TrbE [EC:]
C SJA_C1-19920 trbF; type IV secretory pathway TrbF component K20531 trbF; type IV secretion system protein TrbF
C SJA_C1-29640 trbF; conjugal transfer protein TrbF K20531 trbF; type IV secretion system protein TrbF
C SJA_P1-01710 trbF; conjugal transfer protein TrbF K20531 trbF; type IV secretion system protein TrbF
C SJA_C1-19910 virB9; type IV secretory pathway VirB9 component K20532 trbG; type IV secretion system protein TrbG
C SJA_C1-29630 trbG; conjugal transfer protein TrbG K20532 trbG; type IV secretion system protein TrbG
C SJA_P1-01700 trbG; conjugal transfer protein TrbG K20532 trbG; type IV secretion system protein TrbG
C SJA_C1-19900 virB10; type IV secretory pathway VirB10 component K20533 trbI; type IV secretion system protein TrbI
C SJA_C1-29620 trbI; conjugal transfer protein TrbI K20533 trbI; type IV secretion system protein TrbI
C SJA_P1-01690 trbI; conjugal transfer protein TrbI K20533 trbI; type IV secretion system protein TrbI
C SJA_C1-19950 trbJ; conjugal transfer protein TrbJ K20266 trbJ; type IV secretion system protein TrbJ
C SJA_C1-29660 trbJ; conjugal transfer protein TrbJ K20266 trbJ; type IV secretion system protein TrbJ
C SJA_P1-01740 trbJ; conjugal transfer protein TrbJ K20266 trbJ; type IV secretion system protein TrbJ
C SJA_C1-19930 trbL; type IV secretory pathway TrbL component K07344 trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL
C SJA_C1-29650 trbL; conjugal transfer protein TrbL K07344 trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL
C SJA_P1-00220 trbL; conjugal transfer protein TrbL K07344 trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL
C SJA_P1-01720 trbL; conjugal transfer protein TrbL K07344 trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL
AType V secretion system
B Autotransporter-1 (AT-1) family
B Autotransporter-2 (AT-2) family
B Two-partner secretion (TPS) family
AType VI secretion system
B Imp/Vas secretion system core components
B Imp/Vas secretion system related proteins
AType VII secretion system
B ESX secretion system protein
AChaperone-usher system
B Type 1 pilus assembly protein
C SJA_C1-07050 papD; P pilus assembly protein, chaperone PapD K07346 fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein
C SJA_C1-07060 papC; P pilus assembly protein, porin PapC K07347 fimD; outer membrane usher protein
C SJA_C1-07040 spore coat protein U K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6
C SJA_C1-07070 putative secreted pili protein K27078 cupE; spore coat protein U domain-containing protein, fimbrial subunit CupE1/2/3/6
B P pilus assembly protein
B Mat/Ecp fimbriae assembly protein
AExtracellular nucleation-precipitation pathway
B Curli assembly protein
ASec (secretion) system
B Prokaryotic Sec-SRP core components
C SJA_C1-16550 secA; preprotein translocase SecA subunit K03070 secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA [EC:]
C SJA_C1-08290 secB; preprotein translocase SecB subunit K03071 secB; preprotein translocase subunit SecB
C SJA_C1-05880 secD; preprotein translocase SecD subunit K03072 secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD
C SJA_C1-27120 secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE K03073 secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE
C SJA_C1-05890 secF; preprotein translocase SecF subunit K03074 secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF
C SJA_C1-16130 secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG K03075 secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG
C SJA_C1-06470 secY; preprotein translocase SecY subunit K03076 secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY
C SJA_C1-10550 ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 K03106 SRP54; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:]
C SJA_C1-27520 ftsY; signal recognition particle GTPase K03110 ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor
C SJA_C1-05870 yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC K03210 yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC
C SJA_C1-07590 yidC; preprotein translocase YidC subunit K03217 yidC; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase
B Prokaryotic Sec-SRP related proteins
B Eukaryotic Sec-SRP protein
C SJA_C1-10550 ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 K03106 SRP54; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:]
ATwin-arginine translocation (Tat) system
B Twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway protein
C SJA_C1-28100 tatA; Sec-independent protein secretion pathway component TatA K03116 tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA
C SJA_C1-28090 tatB; Sec-independent protein secretion pathway component TatB K03117 tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB
C SJA_C1-28080 tatC; Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC K03118 tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC
#Last updated: December 11, 2023