T number | T09629 |
Org_code | pgeo |
Name | Pseudochaenichthys georgianus (South Georgia icefish) |
Annotation | yes |
Taxonomy | TAX: 52239 |
Lineage | Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Neoteleostei; Acanthomorphata; Eupercaria; Perciformes; Notothenioidei; Channichthyidae; Pseudochaenichthys |
Brite | KEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611]
KEGG organisms: animals [BR:br08612] |
Data source | RefSeq (Assembly: GCF_902827115.1 Chromosome) BioProject: 629555 |
Statistics | Number of protein genes: 23300 Number of RNA genes: 764
Created | 2024 |
Reference | PMID: 37296119 |
Authors | Bista I, Wood JMD, Desvignes T, McCarthy SA, Matschiner M, Ning Z, Tracey A, Torrance J, Sims Y, Chow W, et al. |
Title | Genomics of cold adaptations in the Antarctic notothenioid fish radiation. |
Journal | Nat Commun 14:3412 (2023) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38567-6 |
Reference | PMID: 33570582 |
Authors | Papetti C, Babbucci M, Dettai A, Basso A, Lucassen M, Harms L, Bonillo C, Heindler FM, Patarnello T, Negrisolo E |
Title | Not Frozen in the Ice: Large and Dynamic Rearrangements in the Mitochondrial Genomes of the Antarctic Fish. |
Journal | Genome Biol Evol 13:6133229 (2021) DOI: 10.1093/gbe/evab017 |