KEGG Pathway Search

Select prefix Select a prefix that determines a set of pathway maps to be searched:
  • map - reference pathway maps linked to KO, EC, and reaction entries
  • ko - reference pathway maps linked to KO entries (blue boxes)
  • ec - reference pathway maps linked to EC entries (blue boxes)
  • rn - reference pathway maps linked to reaction entries (blue boxes)
  • org - organism-specific pathway maps for "org" linked to gene entries (green boxes)
The three-letter KEGG organism code "org" can be found with the assistance of the Find Organism interface.
Enter keywords Enter keywords to search pathway maps. This is a search against the relational database as described in Searching KEGG. Keywords are matched against: map numbers, names (pathway titles), descriptions, KEGG object identifiers including aliases (those found by the search box in each pathway map), and legend (free text information shown in the map).
Search result Search results against objects and legends in the map may be viewed graphically by cliking on the thumbnail image.