ID or terms query

OC.603398 (1 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.603398 Eukaryotes.157777 Plants.57879 Eudicots.198049 Nightshade_family.8684 sly.22944 sly:104648062 -

( plain text of OC.603398 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Nightshade family

Neighbor clusters

OC.603391 (21) OC.603392 (8) OC.603393 (6) OC.603394 (3) OC.603395 (8) OC.603396 (8) OC.603397 (2) OC.603398 (1) OC.603399 (1)