ID or terms query

Alteromonas_macleodii.3650 (2 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th PC Gene/Definition
OC.657138 Bacteria.176298 Proteobacteria.347664 Gammaproteobacteria.90728 Alteromonas.4040 Alteromonas_macleodii.3650 amb.1582 amb:AMBAS45_07995 sulfotransferase
OC.657138 Bacteria.176298 Proteobacteria.347664 Gammaproteobacteria.90728 Alteromonas.4040 Alteromonas_macleodii.3650 amk.1465 amk:AMBLS11_07440 sulfotransferase

( plain text of OC.657138 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Alteromonas

Neighbor clusters

OC.657134 (8) OC.657135 (1) OC.657136 (1) OC.657137 (2) OC.657138 (12) OC.657139 (2)