ID or terms query

Azospirillum_brasilense.2681 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th PC Gene/Definition
OC.520261 Bacteria.356296 Proteobacteria.200134 Alphaproteobacteria.87707 Azospirillum.1974 Azospirillum_brasilense.2681 abs.4668 abs:AZOBR_p150065 conserved protein of unknown function
OC.520261 Bacteria.356296 Proteobacteria.200134 Alphaproteobacteria.87707 Azospirillum.1974 Azospirillum_brasilense.2681 abq.3974 abq:ABAZ39_21100 hypothetical protein
OC.520261 Bacteria.356296 Proteobacteria.200134 Alphaproteobacteria.87707 Azospirillum.1974 Azospirillum_brasilense.2681 abf.3897 abf:AMK58_19995 hypothetical protein

( plain text of OC.520261 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Azospirillum

Neighbor clusters

OC.520258 (1) OC.520259 (37) OC.520260 (23) OC.520261 (14) OC.520262 (13) OC.520263 (7) OC.520264-520271