ID or terms query

Eukaryotes.195562 (5 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.605376 Eukaryotes.195562 Animals.172238 Arthropods.47450 dpx.2582 dpx:DAPPUDRAFT_107455 hypothetical protein
OC.605376 Eukaryotes.195562 Animals.172238 Arthropods.47450 dpx.2582 dpx:DAPPUDRAFT_116578 hypothetical protein
OC.605376 Eukaryotes.195562 Animals.172238 Arthropods.47450 dpx.2582 dpx:DAPPUDRAFT_252569 hypothetical protein
OC.605376 Eukaryotes.195562 Animals.172238 Arthropods.47450 dpx.2582 dpx:DAPPUDRAFT_326851 hypothetical protein
OC.605376 Eukaryotes.195562 Animals.172238 Arthropods.47450 dpx.2582 dpx:DAPPUDRAFT_326852 hypothetical protein

( plain text of OC.605376 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Crustaceans