ID or terms query

OC.105287 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.105287 Eukaryotes.409110 Protists.22194 Alveolates.5256 Apicomplexans.13658 pyo.1752 pyo:PY17X_0828600 PY05197; conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function
OC.105287 Eukaryotes.409110 Protists.22194 Alveolates.5256 Apicomplexans.13658 pcb.1766 pcb:PCHAS_082560 PC000297.05.0; conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function
OC.105287 Eukaryotes.409110 Protists.22194 Alveolates.5256 Apicomplexans.13658 pbe.1606 pbe:PBANKA_082530 conserved Plasmodium protein, unknown function

( plain text of OC.105287 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Apicomplexans