ID or terms query

OC.1331643 (10 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607   rba.5295 rba:RB6962 transcriptional regulator; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607 Pirellula.5268 psl.431 psl:Psta_0369 chromosome segregation and condensation protein, ScpB; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607 Pirellula.2729 pir.2157 pir:VN12_11345 scpB; Segregation and condensation protein B; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607   plm.2799 plm:Plim_2838 chromosome segregation and condensation protein ScpB; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607   pbs.2036 pbs:Plabr_2098 chromosome segregation and condensation protein, ScpB; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607 Planctomyces.7873 pls.2760 pls:VT03_14080 hypothetical protein; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607   fmr.3893 fmr:Fuma_04127 scpB; Segregation and condensation protein B; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607   ttf.416 ttf:THTE_0315 Segregation and condensation protein B; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607 Gemmata.4084 ges.6828 ges:VT84_38055 scpB; Segregation and condensation protein B; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B
OC.1331643 Bacteria.321234 Planctomycetes.4607 Gemmata.4084 gog.5707 gog:C1280_33020 hypothetical protein; K06024 segregation and condensation protein B

( plain text of OC.1331643 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

KOs in cluster

    K06024 (10) segregation and condensation protein B

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

Neighbor clusters

OC.1331642 (3120) OC.1331643 (10) OC.1331644 (26) OC.1331645 (2)