ID or terms query

OC.305808 (2 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.305808 Bacteria.914165 Planctomycetes.16202 Gemmata.606 ges.1507 ges:VT84_06030 sttH; Streptothricin hydrolase; K08281 nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase [EC: 3.5.1.-]
OC.305808 Bacteria.914165 Planctomycetes.16202 Gemmata.606 gog.6123 gog:C1280_35530 nicotinamidase; K08281 nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase [EC: 3.5.1.-]

( plain text of OC.305808 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

KOs in cluster

    K08281 (2) nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase [EC:3.5.1....

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides KO

Neighbor clusters

OC.305786 (511) OC.305787 (1) OC.305788 (37) OC.305789-305803 OC.305804 (11) OC.305805 (12) OC.305806 (8) OC.305807 (21) OC.305808 (2) OC.305809 (21) OC.305810 (19) OC.305705-305785 OC.305811...305930