ID or terms query

OC.677679 (2 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.677679 Bacteria.287532 Planctomycetes.6445 Gemmata.955 ges.2086 ges:VT84_09640 hypothetical protein; K02601 transcriptional antiterminator NusG
OC.677679 Bacteria.287532 Planctomycetes.6445 Gemmata.955 gog.1355 gog:C1280_06215 hypothetical protein; K02601 transcriptional antiterminator NusG

( plain text of OC.677679 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

KOs in cluster

    K02601 (2) transcriptional antiterminator NusG

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides KO

Neighbor clusters

OC.677675 (3) OC.677676 (1) OC.677677 (1) OC.677678 (1) OC.677679 (2) OC.677680 (13) OC.677681 (9) OC.677682 (1) OC.677683 (35) OC.677684-677685