ID or terms query

OC.848734 (12 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 tan.2752 tan:TA17050 merozoite-piroplasm surface antigen Tams1
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 tpv.1088 tpv:TP01_1056 32 kDa surface antigen
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 tot.895 tot:TOT_010000999 major piroplasm surface protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_016670 ema family member protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_017320 equi merozoite antigen 2
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_026850 equi merozoite antigen 1
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_028210 ema family member protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_034050 ema family member protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_034340 equi merozoite antigen 3
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_042700 ema family member protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_045350 ema family member protein
OC.848734 Eukaryotes.408795 Protists.21655 Alveolates.4757 Apicomplexans.11240 beq.444 beq:BEWA_052710 ema family member protein

( plain text of OC.848734 ) ( previous ver. )

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Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Apicomplexans