ID or terms query

smin.7693 (4 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.334794 Eukaryotes.93810 Protists.255 Alveolates.23638 smin.7693 smin:v1.2.002633.t1 symbB.v1.2.002633.t1; -
OC.334794 Eukaryotes.93810 Protists.255 Alveolates.23638 smin.7693 smin:v1.2.013624.t1 symbB.v1.2.013624.t1; -
OC.334794 Eukaryotes.93810 Protists.255 Alveolates.23638 smin.7693 smin:v1.2.017988.t1 symbB.v1.2.017988.t1; -
OC.334794 Eukaryotes.93810 Protists.255 Alveolates.23638 smin.7693 smin:v1.2.035982.t1 symbB.v1.2.035982.t1; -

( plain text of OC.334794 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Dinoflagellates