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OC.438023 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.438023 Bacteria.70993 Proteobacteria.396916 Deltaproteobacteria.41150 dal.3659 dal:Dalk_3865 transcriptional regulator, MarR family
OC.438023 Bacteria.70993 Proteobacteria.396916 Deltaproteobacteria.41150 sat.666 sat:SYN_00652 transcriptional regulator, MarR family
OC.438023 Archaea.55251 Euryarchaeota.43497 Methanobacterium.3263 mel.1612 mel:Metbo_1683 transcriptional regulator, MarR family

( plain text of OC.438023 ) ( next ver. ) ( previous ver. )

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OC.437994 (19) OC.437995 (3) OC.437996 (5) OC.437997 (16) OC.437998 (2) OC.437999 (59) OC.438000 (1) OC.438001 (1) OC.438002 (1) OC.438003 (6) OC.438004-438013 OC.438014 (4) OC.438015-438021 OC.438022 (4) OC.438023 (3) OC.438024 (16) OC.438025 (2) OC.438026 (4) OC.438027 (12) OC.437881...437993 OC.438028-438070