
KNApSAcK Entry

Organism name Cheiloclinium cognatum
Genus Cheiloclinium
Family Celastraceae
Kingdom Plantae

NCBI taxonomy


Linked NCBI taxonomy name Cheiloclinium cognatum
Linked NCBI taxonomy ID 123388
Linked level species


Family in NCBI taxonomy Celastraceae
ID 4305

Kingdom (Superkingdom)

Kingdom (Superkingdom) in NCBI taxonomy Viridiplantae
ID 33090

Plant class

Plant class rosids
ID 71275

Metabolite list (7)

KNApSAcK ID name ChEMBL link CTD link # of proteins in
ChEMBL interaction
/ related OMIM
/ related KEGG DISEASE
# of genes in
CTD interaction
/ related diseases
C00003753 External link 512 Pristimerin
13 / 21 / 47 No. 403 No. 51
C00003759 External link 512 Maytenin
/ Tingenone
1 / 4 / 2 0 / 1 No. 403 No. 51
C00035476 External link 512 22beta-Hydroxymaytenin
No. 403 No. 51
C00035698 External link 512 Netzahualcoyondiol
No. 1767
C00035697 External link 512 Netzahualcoyol
No. 1767
C00035699 External link 512 Netzahualcoyone
No. 1767
C00035566 External link 512 Cognatine
No. 7980

Human Protein / Gene in interactions

14 ChEMBL Protein in interactions

accession description class description KNApSAcK metabolite in interactions # of diseases
P04637 Cellular tumor antigen p53 Transcription Factor C00003753 7 / 37
Q16637 Survival motor neuron protein Unclassified protein C00003753 4 / 1
Q06124 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11 Tyr C00003759 4 / 2
P11473 Vitamin D3 receptor NR1I1 C00003753 2 / 3
O15296 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase B Enzyme C00003753 0 / 0
O94782 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 1 Enzyme C00003753 0 / 0
P18054 Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, 12S-type Enzyme C00003753 2 / 0
P28482 Mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 Erk C00003753 0 / 0
P15428 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase [NAD(+)] Enzyme C00003753 2 / 2
P16050 Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase Enzyme C00003753 0 / 0
P08684 Cytochrome P450 3A4 Cytochrome P450 3A4 C00003753 0 / 1
P10636 Microtubule-associated protein tau Unclassified protein C00003753 4 / 3
B2RXH2 Lysine-specific demethylase 4E Enzyme C00003753 0 / 0
Q9NUW8 Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 Enzyme C00003753 1 / 1

Related Diseases

Diseases related to proteins in ChEMBL interactions

OMIM (25)

OMIM preferred title UniProt
#202300 Adrenocortical carcinoma, hereditary; adcc P04637
#614740 Basal cell carcinoma, susceptibility to, 7; bcc7 P04637
#114500 Colorectal cancer; crc P18054
#119900 Digital clubbing, isolated congenital P15428
#133239 Esophageal cancer P04637
#600274 Frontotemporal dementia; ftd P10636
#259100 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, primary, autosomal recessive, 1; phoar1 P15428
#607785 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia; jmml Q06124
#151100 Leopard syndrome 1 Q06124
#151623 Li-fraumeni syndrome 1; lfs1 P04637
#211980 Lung cancer P04637
#156250 Metachondromatosis; metcds Q06124
#607948 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, susceptibility to P11473
#163950 Noonan syndrome 1; ns1 Q06124
#260500 Papilloma of choroid plexus; cpp P04637
#260540 Parkinson-dementia syndrome P10636
#172700 Pick disease of brain P10636
#253300 Spinal muscular atrophy, type i; sma1 Q16637
#253550 Spinal muscular atrophy, type ii; sma2 Q16637
#253400 Spinal muscular atrophy, type iii; sma3 Q16637
#271150 Spinal muscular atrophy, type iv; sma4 Q16637
#607250 Spinocerebellar ataxia, autosomal recessive, with axonal neuropathy; scan1 Q9NUW8
#275355 Squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck; hnscc P04637
#601104 Supranuclear palsy, progressive, 1; psnp1 P10636
#277440 Vitamin d-dependent rickets, type 2a; vddr2a P11473


KEGG name UniProt
H00004 Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) P04637 (related)
H00005 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) P04637 (related)
H00006 Hairy-cell leukemia P04637 (related)
H00008 Burkitt lymphoma P04637 (related)
H00009 Adult T-cell leukemia P04637 (related)
H00010 Multiple myeloma P04637 (related)
H00013 Small cell lung cancer P04637 (related)
H00014 Non-small cell lung cancer P04637 (related)
H00015 Malignant pleural mesothelioma P04637 (related)
H00016 Oral cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00017 Esophageal cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00018 Gastric cancer P04637 (related)
H00019 Pancreatic cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00020 Colorectal cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00022 Bladder cancer P04637 (related)
H00025 Penile cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00026 Endometrial Cancer P04637 (related)
H00027 Ovarian cancer P04637 (related)
H00028 Choriocarcinoma P04637 (related)
H00029 Vulvar cancer P04637 (related)
H00031 Breast cancer P04637 (related)
H00032 Thyroid cancer P04637 (related)
H00033 Adrenal carcinoma P04637 (related)
H00036 Osteosarcoma P04637 (related)
P08684 (marker)
H00038 Malignant melanoma P04637 (related)
H00039 Basal cell carcinoma P04637 (related)
H00040 Squamous cell carcinoma P04637 (related)
H00041 Kaposi's sarcoma P04637 (related)
H00042 Glioma P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00044 Cancer of the anal canal P04637 (related)
H00046 Cholangiocarcinoma P04637 (related)
H00047 Gallbladder cancer P04637 (related)
H00048 Hepatocellular carcinoma P04637 (related)
H00055 Laryngeal cancer P04637 (related)
P04637 (marker)
H00881 Li-Fraumeni syndrome P04637 (related)
H01007 Choroid plexus papilloma P04637 (related)
H00021 Renal cell carcinoma P04637 (marker)
H00058 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) P10636 (related)
H00077 Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) P10636 (related)
H00078 Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) P10636 (related)
H00342 Tuberculosis P11473 (related)
H00784 Localized autosomal recessive hypotrichosis P11473 (related)
H01143 Vitamin D-dependent rickets P11473 (related)
H00457 Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (PHO) P15428 (related)
H01246 Isolated congenital nail clubbing (ICNC) P15428 (related)
H00523 Noonan syndrome and related disorders Q06124 (related)
H01018 Metachondromatosis Q06124 (related)
H00455 Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) Q16637 (related)
H00063 Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) Q9NUW8 (related)

Diseases related to CTD interactions

1 disease in interactions with metabolites

D005873 Giardiasis C00003759