
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 34998
LinkDB: 34998
CC: CCSD:34998
AU: Zschabitz AR; Biesalski HK; Krahn V; Gabius HJ; Weiser H; Khaw A;
    Hemmes C; Stofft E
TI: Distribution patterns in glycoconjugate expression during the
    development of the rat palate
CT: Histochem J (1994) 26: 705-720 [PMID:7843984]
BS: (CN) rat, (OT) palate, (LS) embryo
SB: Westra B
DA: 23-05-1998
FC: c034585d
SI: CBank:8556

 b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-GlcpNAc-(1-2)-?-D-Manp-(1-?)-<rest of molecule>
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