
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 37095
LinkDB: 37095
CC: CCSD:37095
AU: Singh LPK; Pearl DK; Franklin TK; Spring PM; Scheithauer BW; Coons SW;
    Johnson PC; Pfeiffer SE; Li J; Knott JCA; Yates AJ
TI: Neutral glycolipid composition of primary human brain tumors
CT: Mol Chem Neuropathol (1994) 21: 241-257 [PMID:8086036]
BS: (CN) human, (OT) brain, (disease) cancer
TN: I3SO3-Gal-Cer
TN: SM4s
MT: glycolipid
MT: glycosphingolipid
MT: sulfatide
SB: Westra B
DA: 15-03-1995
FC: 696e19b3
SI: CBank:3692

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