
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 40411
LinkDB: 40411
CC: CCSD:40411
AU: Green PJ; Yuen CT; Childs RA; Chai W; Miyasaka M; Lemoine R; Lubineau
    A; Smith B; Ueno H; Nicolaou KC; Feizi T
TI: Further studies of the binding specificity of the leukocyte adhesion
    molecule, L-selectin, towards sulfated oligosaccharides-suggestion of a
    link between the selectin- and the integrin-mediated lymphocyte adhesion
CT: Glycobiology (1995) 5: 29-38 [PMID:7539644]
SC: Su-Type I tri
SB: Shough NJ
DA: 12-06-1995
FC: 5a49fdee
SI: CBank:8254

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