
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 46553
LinkDB: 46553
CC: CCSD:46553
AU: Karsten U; Papsdorf G; Pauly A; Vojtesek B; Moll R; Lane EB; Clausen
    H; Stosiek P; Kasper M
TI: Subtypes of non-transformed human mammary epithelial cells cultured
    in vitro: histo-blood group antigen H type 2 defines basal cell-derived
CT: Differentiation (1993) 54: 55-66 [PMID:8405774]
BS: (CN) human, (OT) breast, epithelial cells
SB: Westra B
DA: 02-02-1996
FC: f7d6a7fc
SI: CBank:9381

 a-L-Fucp-(1-2)-b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-GlcpNAc-(1-?)-<rest of molecule>
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