
Database: CarbBank
Entry: 50201
LinkDB: 50201
CC: CCSD:50201
AU: Falk PG; Bry L; Holgersson J; Gordon JI
TI: Expression of a human .alpha.-1,3/4-fucosyltransferase in the pit cell
    lineage of FVB/N mouse stomach results in production of Le(b)-containing
    glycoconjugates: A potential transgenic mouse model for studying
    Helicobacter pylori infection
CT: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1995) 92: 1515-1519 [PMID:7878011]
BS: (CN) mouse, (GT) P28 normal FVB/N, (OT) stomach, intestine
BS: (CN) mouse, (GT) P28 transgenic FVB/N, (OT) stomach, intestine
AN: Lewis a antigen
SB: Westra B
DA: 20-05-1996
FC: d281e365
SI: CBank:14927

          b-D-GlcpNAc-(1-3)-b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-Glcp-(1-?)-<rest of molecule>
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