ID or terms query

OC.414041 (1 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.414041 Bacteria.83913 Proteobacteria.230046 Gammaproteobacteria.1013 tcx.2132 tcx:Tcr_2175 chromosome segregation ATPase; K03496 chromosome partitioning protein

( plain text of OC.414041 ) ( previous ver. )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

KOs in cluster

    K03496 (1) chromosome partitioning protein

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Hydrogenovibrio KO

Neighbor clusters

OC.414028 (1) OC.414029 (1) OC.414030 (51) OC.414031-414032 OC.414033 (1) OC.414034 (2) OC.414035 (2) OC.414036 (1) OC.414037 (1) OC.414038 (72) OC.414039 (1) OC.414040 (1) OC.414041 (1) OC.414042 (1) OC.414043 (1) OC.413918...414027 OC.414044...414282