ID or terms query

OC.458749 - OC.458756 [Aciduliprofundum] (2 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th PC Gene/Definition
OC.458749 Archaea.34266 Euryarchaeota.5204 Aciduliprofundum.24 abi.1064 abi:Aboo_1080 HAD-superfamily hydrolase, subfamily IA, variant 1; K07025 putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily
OC.458749 Archaea.34266 Euryarchaeota.5204 Aciduliprofundum.24 acf.1303 acf:AciM339_1388 haloacid dehalogenase superfamily enzyme, subfamily IA; K07025 putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily

( plain text of OC.458749 - OC.458756 [Aciduliprofundum] ) ( previous ver. )

KOs in cluster

    K07025 (2) putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamil...

> Pathway search
> BRITE search

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Halobacteroides KO

Neighbor clusters

OC.458735 (21) OC.458736 (1) OC.458737-458741 OC.458742 (1) OC.458743 (1) OC.458744 (1) OC.458745-458746 OC.458747 (1) OC.458748 (13) OC.458749 (37) OC.458750 (3) OC.458751 (2) OC.458752 (2) OC.458753 (3) OC.458754 (3) OC.458755 (1) OC.458756 (3) OC.458757-458768