ID or terms query

Amphibians.13631 (4 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.269123 Eukaryotes.99788 Animals.19375 Vertebrates.53448 Amphibians.13631 xla.5165 xla:108713056 kiaa1324l.S, EIG121L; KIAA1324-like S homeolog
OC.269123 Eukaryotes.99788 Animals.19375 Vertebrates.53448 Amphibians.13631 xla.5165 xla:446582 kiaa1324l.L, eig121l, kiaa1324l, xEIG121L; KIAA1324-like L homeolog
OC.269123 Eukaryotes.99788 Animals.19375 Vertebrates.53448 Amphibians.13631 xtr.4834 xtr:100379878 kiaa1324l, EIG121L; KIAA1324-like
OC.269123 Eukaryotes.99788 Animals.19375 Vertebrates.53448 Amphibians.13631 npr.9433 npr:108794063 KIAA1324L; UPF0577 protein KIAA1324-like homolog

( plain text of OC.269123 )

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sequence organism Amphibians

Neighbor clusters

OC.269122 (12) OC.269123 (285) OC.269124 (1)