ID or terms query

Arthropods.59646 (3 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th PC Gene/Definition
OC.433631 Eukaryotes.110684 Animals.43348 Arthropods.59646 Insects.65124 api.1606 api:107882343 uncharacterized LOC107882343
OC.433631 Eukaryotes.110684 Animals.43348 Arthropods.59646 Insects.65124 api.1607 api:103309210 uncharacterized LOC103309210
OC.433631 Eukaryotes.110684 Animals.43348 Arthropods.59646 Insects.65124 dnx.10795 dnx:107172857 uncharacterized protein LOC107172857

( plain text of OC.433631 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Insects

Neighbor clusters

OC.433628 (1) OC.433629 (1) OC.433630 (1) OC.433631 (3) OC.433632 (4) OC.433633 (9) OC.433634 (1) OC.433635 (2) OC.433636 (2) OC.433637-433641