ID or terms query

Burkholderia_sp_.29 (2 sequences)

OC Root 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th PC Gene/Definition
OC.527088 Bacteria.368405 Proteobacteria.51243 Betaproteobacteria.91333 Burkholderia.49216 Burkholderia_sp_.29 bge.1263 bge:BC1002_1239 glutathione-dependent formaldehyde-activating GFA
OC.527088 Bacteria.368405 Proteobacteria.51243 Betaproteobacteria.91333 Burkholderia.49216 Burkholderia_sp_.29 bum.5536 bum:AXG89_34520 aldehyde-activating protein

( plain text of OC.527088 )

Refinement of cluster

OC depth

Organism selection

Distribution of taxonomic categories

sequence organism Burkholderia

Neighbor clusters

OC.527076-527081 OC.527082 (1) OC.527083 (6) OC.527084 (1) OC.527085 (1) OC.527086 (1) OC.527087 (1) OC.527088 (79) OC.527089 (343) OC.527090 (1) OC.527091 (2) OC.527092 (1) OC.527093 (1) OC.527094 (2) OC.527095 (1) OC.527096 (14) OC.527097 (160) OC.527076-527081 OC.527098-527124